Aug 23, 2008 18:00
Haven't been on Facebook in awhile, and had a lot of new notifications. Looking through, I had one that took my breath away. My old friend Justina from high school got married. Thinking back, I know that we had a large falling out a few years ago, but I was still shocked that I didn't get any notice of her wedding, not even through the grapevine back home.
This makes me kind of curious, so I start searching for Megan, the third in our trio of blondes. Somehow, the search for her last name works, even though hers has changed as well. Both of my high school best friends are married, and I don't even know how long they've been that way! Right now I'm a bit in shock... it's weird to find people who you care about not telling you about the biggest events in their lives. And, I know that some of this is my fault - it takes two to let a relationship go. But Megan too... married, and I didn't even get a word to the wise. Kind of hurts. Think I'll go and ponder that for awhile.