Lost Path

Mar 16, 2018 02:18

Lost Trail
Pima Canyon, AZ
pencil on paper
That moment when I am sure I have lost the trail and will never find my way back. My beautiful long-legged Bean is somewhere up ahead. I can't see or hear her. I call for her, and the canyon swallows my voice. But then I see a little piece of trail behind a rock. I follow it over the edge of the mountain. And there is my daughter, waving at me and telling me "You go Mom." And I try. Even on days like today when I choose to stay up way past my bedtime to draw a happy place, a memory full of smiles (and rocks), a magical time I shared with my daughter. I draw for my life. I draw for my spirit. I draw to keep me waking up tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

drawing, bw challenge

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