White Out

Mar 12, 2018 18:48

White Out
Canyonland National Park, Utah
This photo is am emblem of my voice and my resistance to silencing. This very moment I am working on curating and editing a selection of poems I have written in the past year and a half, and submitting the collection for publication and/or prizes. I realize that many of my poems from the past couple of years have been intended to be a collective voice, and those are the ones I will include in the collection. The poems when my voice isn't just my voice, but is the voice of so many people. I'm going to do this thing. If my chapbook doesn't get selected to get published, I'll self-publish, but I don't win if I don't try, so off I go. I want to get this sent out before April, when I plan on participating in NaPoWriMo. Hell yeah. Fucking A. And all that not so poetic, but fun, language.

photo a day

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