Bad Blood

Jun 24, 2016 15:18


Bad blood runs
from my mouth. Words
slip on the mess. Get

caught inside years. Accumulate
the way cells grow cells until
blood is so sick repair

is impossible. Bad
blood coursed through
my dad’s body for years
as he died a long slow

death. The cord between us
sawed in half by a dull
rusty blade. Breeding more

bad blood. Anger
and resentment. Tears
and impotent outrage. The heft

of a full blow to a steel
door because death
was knocking and I couldn’t

hold it back or stop
bacteria from infecting
his aging body or my
life. I am so old with all this

bad blood. It pools
in orange bottles where white
pills float like fetuses. All the little
deaths I committed trying to kill

bad blood. It smears car
seats where screams
curdle blood and hurl

themselves to the curb. I vomit
history into a parking
lot where bad
blood congeals thick
as oil. I slip

on my tongue. Tangled
in bad blood. Born
of bad blood. The fucked
up gene pool of the
fucked up. Raised on

smoke, booze and
bare assed shame. Bad
blood collects for years.
Vials of the crap lines

the halls of memory
until it’s too much. Bad
blood seeps so deep
it breaks the bond. I spill

my guts and then shut
up. Bad blood haunts
my body. A possession
or voodoo act. Stab
me with pins. Tell
me the secret. Perform

the miracle of alchemy.
The recipe for turning
a piece of shit into a life
worth living. Flush

my bad blood down
the toilet. Years
of words gone
wrong stick like scabs
to the calendar. Keeping
tally. The long

list of days. Pick off
the wounds with ragged
nails and toss them
in the gutter where
bad blood belongs.

poetry, recovery, rant

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