
May 30, 2016 00:10


Easy does it. Around the curves and over the cliffs. Easy does it. As I climb to the ragged edge and play tag with the waves. Easy does it as I straddle the line between diving into the bottomless and crawling over rocks on bloody knees looking for a way out. Easy does it when I fight with the entire idea of easy. Don’t really know that word. I could jump in head first or just stand on the edge, hold out my arms, and feel the hum of the earth spinning. Embrace the thread between life and death. Feel the line where the two are stitched together. Yes it’s a rocky ride through a rocky place. Easy does it when the gravel slides under my feet. I lose my footing. Slide down the cliff in a trail of dust. Smile in this moment of rapture when a ten foot wave grabs me around my waist and pulls me under. Breathe blue. Breathe green. Feel my body spin to gold. And the rocks pay witness. Sentinels of a rocky life hanging by a thread of blue. I wave my arms one last time then sink. Easy does it as I float like a mermaid twenty feet under. Turn to kelp. My hair spread in a psychedelic anemone flare. My face white as sunlight filtered through fog.

prosetry, kdd photography, big sur

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