Critter Report: Baby Bobcats!

Jun 11, 2011 09:34

Yes, it’s CRITTER SEASON! And this morning’s Critter Report features the MOST EXCITING AND CUTEST CRITTER POST EVER. I was standing in the kitchen when I looked out the patios and saw . . . 3 kittens on the patio! Then, I thought, “Wow, those are REALLY BIG kittens.” Then I saw their little ear tufts and their little tails, and I realized that they’re not just any kittens. They’re bobcat kittens!

Thankfully Bean just woke up and was sitting on the sofa, so she was there for all the baby bobcat kitten excitement. One of them (this one) came right up to the back door and peeked inside at our Fur Sharks! And our Fur Sharks looked out the backdoor at the baby bobcats. Mama Bobcat was peeking at them from around the corner of the house, but would not come up on the patio. Since the kittens are so small and since our backyard is totally enclosed by a cement block wall with no way out but over the wall, I determined that Mama Cat gave birth to the kittens in our backyard and that they’re living out there until the babies are big enough to get over the wall.

Max the tortoise has been hanging out on the patio instead of his den. The other day I venture that there was probably a snake living in his den. But oh no. Max is on the patio because there are bobcats in the backyard! This little guy stepped on Max like Max was a rock!

Bean wanted to give the bobcats water, but we can’t go out there if Mama Cat is around.

I didn’t get many photos, but the ones I did get sure are cute, huh? Anyway, off to cook breakfast, pack for the beach, and finish my Nan Goldin post. But how about this for a cuteness and critter report!?

PS: Why can't those bobcats get down to business and take care of those LOUD birds in the backyard that wake me up every moning. It's a freaking salad bar for bobcats out there. Come on Wild Fur Sharks! Do your job and eat some birds for breakfast!


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