Apr 18, 2005 10:59
Okay, I'm doing it. Once again, my laziness has taken over and has prevented me from posting anything. I do read LJ everyday, I just don't have the gumption to actually post anything. But this one is going to be short. It is actually a question that I want everyone to answer, it really puts some good things into perspective. Okay, here is the question - don't worry, I answer it too.
What are 5 things, off the top of your head, that you are happy about?
Here are my answers: In no particular order.
1. Being in two awesome shows: Beauty and the Beast - as Cogsworth and Chess - as the Arbiter.
2. Moving To Florida in August
3. Music Directing Jesus Christ Superstar
4. My great friends, whom I could not be without.
5. Bacon
so there you have it. What are your answers?