May 17, 2014 15:15
*Joyce Meyer-(Battlefield of the Mind)
"You thi.." A grin broke over Dylan's face as he stopped to correct himself.
Staring at that amazing face letting some of the thousands of times he'd felt himself cheered-up, lifted up, swept away into a totally new state of being/feeling...
He remembered... the first time he saw it....really saw it, not just a passing flash waiting for Paige on the steps back at DeGrassi, or as he left his house to get away from his sister and her 'little friends'.
That seemed like a life-time ago now.
He remembers thinking he'd recognized the look in those dark but sparkling eyes. The sudden change in the way he(Marco) moved getting into the car; that almost, but not quite hunching of his shoulders. he really liked what he saw...and had been caught so off-guard that he couldn't completely hide it.
Paige had been wrong about Marco that day, but in true Paige fashion, she'd bounced right back and been thrilled for them.
Dylan has just realized he'd been so wrapped up in his new 'crush' (he'd thought at first) that he'd passed up an excellent opportunity to razz her for not 'knowing' sooner.
Thinking about that, he smiled, noticing that the tension that had been building since the pipe burst, the light-bulb blew, the stereo came on FULL-BLAST(all by it's self), and he'd gotten tangled in the wires that had managed to come out from behind his dresser, knocking over all kinds of stuff trying not to fall down.
He'd still been standing there, making sure he'd picked up everything and that nothing had spilled; fists clenched and muttering cuss-words when Marco came out of the bathroom...
And tackled him!
Marco had heard the stereo, Dylan swearing and stumbling round; bottles falling over...more swearing.
A a storm about to break over them...some impending doom.... some(evil foreboding*) nameless terrible thing about to happen grew in the air.
'No!' Marco thought, 'You're not stealing this...HIM..from me again. Not now!'
Grabbing a towel and hurriedly wiping the water from his face and hair before heading back into their bedroom he already knew what he'd find.
Yep, there he (Dylan) was, teeth, shoulders, and fists clenched; brows knotted over eyes that alternately darted round the room or returned to moving over the items on the dresser, making sure he hadn't missed anything; totally unaware of Marco watching him.
One hand is rising towards his mouth, thumb out, ready to be chewed on when Marco makes his decision about how to handle to...change the beat!
You FEEL... that we should be able to talk about anything! And I...we mostly do! I still don't really 'get' how that's even possible.
See what you don't know.... There are some things that I just ....NEVER talk about...haven't ever told anyone about..
Lots of things really, really.....messed-up thing. It messed ME up. For a long time. Changed the way I saw and felt about myself and how I saw myself dealing with...almost everything to do with being gay.
Current Music:Pink F., Gary Allan, Sarah M., Cheaptrick
*Joyce Meyer-(Battlefield of the Mind)
"You thi.." A grin broke over Dylan's face as he stopped to correct himself.
Staring at that amazing face letting some of the thousands of times he'd felt himself cheered-up, lifted up, swept away into a totally new state of being/feeling...
He remembered... the first time he saw it...really saw it, not just a passing flash waiting for Paige on the steps back at DeGrassi, or as he left his house to get away from his sister and her 'little friends'.
That seemed like a life-time ago now.
He remembers thinking he'd recognized the look in those dark but sparkling eyes. The sudden change in the way he(Marco) moved getting into the car; that almost, but not quite hunching of his shoulders. he really liked what he saw...and had been caught so off-guard that he couldn't completely hide it.
Paige had been wrong about Marco that day, but in true Paige fashion, she'd bounced right back and been thrilled for them.
Dylan has just realized he'd been so wrapped up in his new 'crush' (he'd thought at first) that he'd passed up an excellent opportunity to razz her for not 'knowing' sooner.
Thinking about that, he smiled, noticing that the tension that had started to build when the pipe burst, was gone. It had risen a few notches with each thing that happened, next the light-bulb blew and the stereo came on FULL-BLAST(by it's self). Then he'd gotten tangled in the wires that had managed to come out from behind his dresser and knocked over all kinds of stuff trying to get loose from them...and to not fall down.
He'd still been standing there, making sure he'd picked up everything and that nothing had spilled; fists clenched and muttering cuss-words when Marco came out of the bathroom...
And tackled him!
Marco had heard the stereo, Dylan swearing and stumbling round; bottles falling over...more swearing.
A a storm about to break over them...some impending doom... some(evil foreboding*) nameless terrible thing about to happen grew in the air.
'No!' Marco thought, 'You're not stealing this...HIM..from me again. Not now!'
Grabbing a towel and hurriedly wiping the water from his face and hair before heading back into their bedroom he already knew what he'd find.
Yep, there he (Dylan) was, teeth, shoulders, and fists clenched; brows knotted over eyes that alternately darted round the room or returned to moving over the items on the dresser, making sure he hadn't missed anything; totally unaware of Marco watching him.
One hand is rising towards his mouth, thumb out, ready to be chewed on when Marco makes his decision about how to handle to...change the beat!
Two things worked when it came to changing the subject/getting Dylan's attention: laughter or sex...well, o.k. but Marco isn't about to try to insert Hockey into this, and in his present mood, Marco somehow just knew that trying to engage his tightly wound-up boyfriend in sex would just stir up more problems, and they'd probably never get to what ever it is that Dylan needs to tell him.
At least not today!
Marco pounced!
"What the...!"Dylan began as Marco lept at him, locking his legs round Dylan's waist; his hands sliding down from his shoulders to his ribs.
And the mad, twisting and squirming of a surprise half-naked tickle-fight/wrestling match was on!
Of course Dylan eventually pinned Marco beneath him.
Marco grinned up at his boyfriend, seeming totally pleased with himself, leaving Dylan off-base and puzzled at the smug grin; alternately staring at him with raised eyebrows and shaking his head as they caught their breath.
"What was th-" Dylan started, but Marco cut him off.
Holding Dylan's eyes with the loving/trusting...'you're safe with me'/'You can't fall cause I've got you' look in his(Marco's) eyes...radiating those feelings somehow; making Dylan feel the truth of those things even though the big blond had HIM pinned, he simply said/demanded/gave him the freedom to finally put that way too heavy thing down;
"Tell me."
Dylan stared into Marco's eyes for a moment, nodded once...and did.
"You FEEL... that we should be able to talk about anything! And I...we mostly do! I still don't really 'get' how that's even possible.
See what you don't know... There are some things that I just ...NEVER talk about...haven't ever told anyone about..
Lots of things really, really...messed-up thing. It messed ME up. For a long time. Changed the way I saw and felt about myself and how I saw myself dealing with...almost everything to do with my life.
After that last trip to Spain, being gay seemed to be a...a sentence.
Yeah, like a sentence, to a cold, empty, 'get-what-pleasure-you-can-in-the-moment' life...
No, not life, just...existence.
It was the last time we went to Spain.
I...met...hooked-up with...
.....At the time I thought I was in love.
The smirk, head-shake, and eye-roll at even the idea of something that was nowhere near what He and Marco have...being LOVE, ended with Dylan looking at Marco with such amazement...
Like even after all this time, he(Dylan) still can't believe Marco is real.
That look....and the fact that sometimes Marco still feels the same way, makes the dark-eyes boy blush, even with the nerves that are tightening his stomach and drying his throat.
He is finally gonna hear about the thing that had made his fearless, daring, 'Bring-it-On' boyfriend close himself off from anything that involved having, much less 'showing' any kind of serious feelings, or real emotions.
When Dylan had kissed him that first time, it had delighted them both....and shocked them speechless!
But they didn't 'talk' about it.
Marco talked about....things like that with E
de grassi marco/dylan fanfic,
degrassi tng.