When am I ever gonna get these crappin braces off!?
welpers... I have nothin worth mentioning to write about so i thought i would just update and tell you how braces suck butt!
buuuuuuuuuuuut i love you and comments are oh so sweet!
P.S. im not really horny i just wanted to put that...okay i am...but not really..but if you like that kinda thing i am...
-way to Stay home and eat all the freakin' chips, Kip.
Kip: Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
Napoleon Dynamite: Since when, Kip? You have the worst reflexes of all time.
Kip: Try and hit me, Napoleon.
Napoleon Dynamite: What?
Kip: I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me.
this is my favorite one that we always say in any one can even know that...:
napoleon-This is pretty much the worst video ever made.
kip- Napoleon, like anyone can even know that.
uncleRico -You know what, Napoleon? You can leave.
Napoleon Dynamite: You guys are retarded!