May 03, 2011 00:59

I just have to get this off my chest.

I keep reading comments, mostly on Facebook, that Obama doesn't deserve the credit for OBL being killed, that the military does. That it's not a victory for Obama, but a victory for America and for those Navy SEALs involved. I also read a comment about how Obama took too much credit for it during his speech last night.

I believe it is a victory (albeit probably not one with exclusively good consequences) for America and for the military and for the intelligence community. But guess what, folks: if it's all those things, it's also a victory for the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. You know, the guy who is in charge of STUFF. First of all, I call bullshit on the notion that he was self-congratulatory during the speech. Yes, he said that he had met with his National Security people and had received intelligence briefings, and yes, he used the word "we." And he said that he gave the go order. But guess what? Those things are all part of his job. Those are the things the President DOES for something like this. I did not sense any reticence when, after detailing those months of getting closer to Bin Laden, the President acknowledged and credited those in the intelligence community, and particularly those in the military, who carried this mission out. Those who worked their asses off gathering the necessary information and risked their lives to actually do this were not given the short shrift in any way that I noticed.

I don't actually believe that this can necessarily be called a "game changer."  It is huge, but it's certainly not a guarantee of the President's reelection, nor should it be. There are other things happening, and important problems to deal with. But if this successful operation that resulted in the death of an evil man is truly a victory for all Americans, then that includes President Obama. Because in case you weren't paying attention last week and were still wondering, it turns out he's an American too. And it was on his watch that this happened. So yes, credit where credit is due. And no small amount is due to him for being the one who made this call. 
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