May 22, 2006 18:21
for creative writing we had to write a paper on an event in our life that's changed us, shaped us, or affected us in some way.. haha its gay but oh well...
An experience in my life that has impacted me a lot is having relations with boys and getting hurt. I know that sounds like a bad thing- and it is- but it’s taught me so much.
Before dating boys or just being friends with them, I had preconceived notions of what they were like, or I just believed stereotypes. I never really knew what they were like but I let myself believe things that I heard. I sort of had a wall built up around me to certain boys because of things I’d heard, even if they weren’t true. Just rumors or basic stereotypes I’d gotten from the media or just what I made myself believe.
I learned not to believe rumors and to get to know someone before you make assumptions about them that affect your actions or feelings towards them.
I’ve been hurt several times by boys, which is a given in teenage romance, and although those times hurt me a lot, they also taught me at the same time. I wouldn’t take those back for anything. Despite the heartache that was caused, I am glad I had those experiences because I learned how to cope with pain and what to look for and what to do in a new relationship.
I used to be naïve, as we all were and as we all still kind of are, but being hurt, having relationships, and learning about people has caused me to bring my guard down and to understand things about people and life in general. You don’t always get what you want from people, and you can’t have them act exactly as you want. They are who they are, and will always be like that. You can’t change them, and you shouldn’t try. If you don’t like them for who they are, maybe you shouldn’t be trying to have them.
Getting everything you want from life and people, and not ever experiencing pain, may sound ideal, but it really isn’t. If you never get hurt by someone, then when you finally do- you’ll have no idea how to deal with it. Although being hurt by boys have been rough times for me, and at the time I thought life was over, I’m glad it happened because I’ve learned how to cope with heartache and I’ve learned how boys really are. I’ve learned not to trust them too much or too fast. I’ve learned not to give them my all and let them take advantage of my feelings for them because you could be used or hurt. I’ve learned not to be clingy. Let it go at it’s own pace and just let it happen. Don’t try to control the situation, as much as you want to. Having failed relationships has allowed me to prepare for my next one and to know what or what not to do.
So to all you boys out there who’ve hurt me, you may think I hate you- and part of me does- but most of all, I want to thank you. Thanks for building me up, instead of bringing me down, and teaching me these things I needed to learn. It’s like that song by Christina Aguilera- “Fighter.” You’ve actually made me stronger. So thanks.