Mulberry Legacy; 1.2

Feb 04, 2013 22:06

Hello, lovelies! Thank you for coming back to read more of the Mulberrys. (I'm always so tempted to drop the "y" and make it "ies" when i'm writing that....) ANYWHO, doesn't matter. 
I tried my best to get this update up the other day, cause I want to post an update on these guys every Saturday. (Or some Friday's since I have no life.... besides my boyfriend.)
The last time we left off with my founder, Violet Mulberry, getting knocked up the first day she settled in and popping out twins, Sterling and Perry. But, it's whatever cause her baby daddy, Garrett, moved in and provided us with some monnney!

We return back with a newly pregnant Violet.
(I know it looks like she's about to pop, but remember half of that baby bump is grilled cheese.)

Violet and Garrett still suck at parenting.
Sterling keeps trying to sleep on the cold hardwood floor, but he can't because he's hungry ecause of the radio.

Sterling: I don't want food! I want BED! NOW!

Violet: Oh my god! Just turn 18 you little shit!

Violet: I'm going out of my miiind!


Garrett! :D

Garrett: *ignores*

Why you no love meee!? D:

Garrett: Can I ask why you aren't over here sitting with me?

Violet: Uhm, maybe because your stupid sperm got me, oh I don't know.. PREGNANT!


Perry: Moooooommmma! Poop in my diaper! MOOOM!!

That face. <3
It's so cute in the saddest way. :)


Of COURSE you feel the need to make a mess before you grow up.
You're losing cuteness points, young man. D:

Perry: You grew up in girl pajamas!

Sterling: Girly pajamas, or not, these are quite fashionable.

Oh, they grew up terribly. Not that that should surprise anyone or anything.

I only slightly made over Perry; I got rid of the bushy eyebrows and changed her outfit into something cuter. 
Not that you even got to see the outfit before.

Violet: Arrr! What is a scum like you doin' in me captain's nest. Have ye' come for the booty?

Garrett: Bitch, you cray but since you offered....

I honestly have absolutely no idea what happened to the blonde nanny. o.o
I was just watching my sims live their lives and all of a sudden BAM!
Some brunette nanny is stealing money from us.

Sterling: I approve of your evil ways Nanny #2. *plusplus*

Perry: If you don't put that money back, we're going to have some serious issues.

Nanny: Naah.. I'm good.


Perry: Or so sim!God help me!

Nanny: Now I understand why the last nanny begged me to take her job.

Sterling: But.... I wanted that bed....

Penny: WHAM! I impaled my fist into your body!

Sterling: Oh yeah?

Sterling: How do you like me now, motherfucker? BAHSGFAD!!!

Sterling: I'm going to attack you because my life sucks!

Perry: Eww, get off of me!

*Sigh* it's been soooo long since I've had children hate each other... You guys are twins, you're supposed to love each other! D:

Penguin: What? Gotta problem with penguins from the hood?

I wonder how many babies are in there..... I hope it's a single birth, her moods have been draining so fast. I don't think I could deal with multiple more babies.

Looks like the blonde nanny decided to come back.
Guess she missed this hectic family...

...Or just Garrett.

Garrett: I used to love older women checking me out, now it's just weird....

Violet, you are too pregnant to fall off that bed!
Get back up, get back up I say!

Violet: Oh, god. Thanks for telling me I smell like straight fuck!

Well, I thought you knew....

Violet: And now I'm in LABOR? My life sucks!

Oh thank the heavens...

Uhh.... wut?

Anywhooo... It's a baby girl! She has darker skin, red hair, and blue eyes.
I named her Ryelynn. :)
(I may have her go by Rye because I think that's pretty.)

Violet: I'm not putting my newborn baby on the floor. Nope, not me. I'm a great mother! :)))


Oh.... hello first shrink visit.

Violet: *blubblubblubblub*

Shrink: Now, recite zee alphabet backwards.

Violet: Duuuhhhrr.

Garrett: Garrett, my'man. You are one good lookin' dude.

Psssh, romance sims. Always so conceited.

Garrett: You're just jealous cause I get all the ladies.

Oh yup. Cause I totes like girls.

Perry: My snowman will be the best snowman in the neighborhood!

It'll be the ONLY snowman in the neighborhood... plus you're building it BEHIND the house, so it's not like anyone will see it.

Perry: What about the man who usually stands by my bedroom window at night?

....wut? o.o

Sterling: Homework on the first daay?

Sterling: Oops, well. Looks like I can't do it. As you can see my homework has been placed on the wrong side of the desk, and it would just be against my sim culture to pick it up and move it to the floor.

Sterling, you bastard.

Creep much? He's dreaming about a girl he doesn't even know. Nor do I ever remember her walking by.

Violet: When the fuck did we get a computer, and when is it my turn?

Calm down, Vy... don't you have needs you need to be filling?

It's like the school KNOWS they didn't do their homework....
But I mean, it's so difficult since all they do is complain. I SWEAR they get it from Violet, that's ALL she does.
I never have problems keeping my simmies happy. What happened? D:
Maybe it's cause I'm actually playing by the rules this time..... ;)

Sterling: Hey, Dad! Watch me whistle, i'm getting pretty good. It'd mean a lot if you would listen.

Garrett: Will you please stop breathing on my neck, kid? Get out of here.

Sterling: But... this is my room. :(

Dig us up some treasure Violet! We are in desperate need. D:
She didn't by the way. -.-

Can't I just skip toddler years....? :(

OHMAHGAHD! Ryelynn, is so freaking ADORBS!
Just look at her little sad face!

Cherish this moment everyone, 'for you may never see it again.

It's Christmas in July! :D
Oh... no it's just a retarded snowman. :/

Violet: Finally! I can get out of the hell of a house and WORK!

May I mention the fact that Violet has had this job for quite a while now, and this is only her... 2nd or 3rd day going.
Which is kind of sad. She's still entry-level.

How can you look so sad yet so cute at the same time!? JE NE COMPRENDS PAS!

(For those of you who are "non french fries" out there, that means "I don't understand" in French.)

Perry: Uhm, no thank you. I'm a strict carnivore, I couldn't possibly eat that rubbish.

Sterling: She's not really going to make us eat this, is she?

Perry: Well, I'm not eating it. It looks like she just grabbed it from the ground.

We're finally making progress!
God, i suck at this....

Ehem.. Where do you think you are wandering off too young lady?

Ryelynn: I want!

Ahh.. butterflies. I remember a couple years ago, I was outside at my families cabin and this HUGE ASS butterfly was chasing me!
Like, no joke. No matter where I went it followed me and it would just sit on my, ehem.. chest.
It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. I guess that butterfly wanted to catch a human instead of get caught by one.
AHAHAHA, i'm so fucking funny. no not really...

So, a little earlier in the chapter I made Garrett's secondary aspiration family. To see if it would make him a better parent.
And after doing that, all he wanted to do was get married. Thankfully Violet didn't have the fear for it, I don't need another shrink visit.

Violet: I be looking all sex'eh in my new uniform!

I know you're a romance sim and all, but remember Vy, no teen boys!
Everyone knows all of us teenagers love hanging out at the fast food joints.

Garrett: Damn, you be lookin' fine wife of mine.

Violet: *from somewhere* Don't push it, I have the option to divorce you.

(Excuse the shit lighting. It's from Garrett's damn career reward.)

Sterling brought.... a monkey? home with him from school today.
All it did was it's little monkey dances until it went home with its monkey parents.

Seriously though, look at that mouth.

Perry: I'm fucking awesome at school!

Garrett: How the hell do you jump that high?

Last picture of Ryelynn as a toddler<3
I'm  kind of  going to miss this cuteness. ;(

Still freakishly adorable!

Eww... whose nasty diaper...?

I wish I could stay up a little later and write more, but I have to memorize a damn poem for school. (fuck my memory)
But, for those of you who maybe interested, I threw Violet up for download back at my livejournal.
I plan on throwing future heirs and spares up there as well as they age into adults.
Look out for the next update on Friday or Saturday! Thanks for reading, lovelies!
Feedback is appreciated. :)

legacy: mulberry

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