My YouTube Videos!

Jan 19, 2011 18:25

So recently, I got a YouTube account and I've been uploading as many videos as I can. But since exams are REALLY soon (and I still haven't studied for any of them - which means I'm gonna fail BIG TIME TT^TT)

But moving on to YouTube, I've just decided that I'm going to upload my new videos from YouTube on LJ as well! This way, EVERYONE can see them! ^  ^

So here are some that I've done recently/gotten a lot of views/my faves:

Elements of Visual Kei

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Massu Fanvid (sorry, I KNOW I didn't spell his name properly; actually, I published it after doing a quick check and I deleted it after I published the video so please bear with it!)

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My Fave Japanese Songs of 2010 (Part 1)

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My Fave Japanese Songs of 2010 (Part 2)

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Deco-Compact Tutorial

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Get to know the members of NEWS!

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And that's it for now cuz my most recent videos aren't really fangirl-related and really not that good.


- kdg <3

P.S. My channel is HERE.

massu, visual kei, j-pop, j-rock, news, deco, youtube, videos, massusama704

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