May 30, 2002 12:04
Notice something very interesting about Lil. She never, and I mean NEVER refers to her missing leg as "my leg", but rather always "the leg". I wonder why this is. I also wonder why it seems that the whole accident didn't really bother her. It had to have. I don't think that anyone in their right mind can go through with that kind of shit and then come out and shrug, like she does. I don't understand her sometimes. Sure, I admire the fact that she can just get on with her life... I love that fact, actually... But it's bizzare that losing a leg doesn't even faze her. It's almost as if she's expecting it to come back, and is just waiting patiently for it to do so. She talks a lot about medical advances that are being made, and says that maybe one day she can just go to the doctor and they'll grow her a new leg, or reattatch a different one. And who knows, maybe she knows what she is talking about. I am sure she would since she's done shitloads of research on the subject. She is also being frighteningly optimistic about the whole thing, which I guess I just do not understand. I'd be a mess if I went through what she had to. Maybe I'm just weak though. That's why I almost started crying when I saw her for the first time in two years, after the accident and all. She was standing there nonchalantly and acting like nothing had ever happened. If I hadn't known previously, I'd think that nothing had happened. She could almost walk without crutches by the time I saw her, she'd made progress so fast with her new leg. It's really amazing. Well, she's really amazing. I should get back to work now.