Alias and other, related nonsense...

Feb 22, 2013 19:57

I’m a season and a half into Alias and I need to talk about how much I love it.

Cuz I love, LOVE, LOVE! Alias!!!

It’s a funny thing because I’ve watched the first five episodes, like, three times now. People would tell me that I should love Alias and why… and I would try, but I would peter out every time until last week when I had another 45 minutes to kill and only access to onDemand for my non-TV TV so I plowed through to the next episode and the next and, well, you get it.

Alias is pretty darn close to a perfect show for me. It balances mission of the week plots within larger arcs. I love that I don’t trust half the characters or their motives. I love that even the kind of hokey “wow that shouldn’t work” plot twists work.

There are things that aren’t perfect. Syndey is a bit goody-goody and I find her current romance (looks how I didn’t spoil there) kind of boring, but I think that Sydney’s steadfast goodness is the axel that everything else spins from, and I have to appreciate JJ Abrams’ commitment to couples instead of angst.

But this all got me thinking about the fic I almost wrote for my Pilots_Presents about Kara and Lee being spies. It quickly went off track, got too big because I was coopting this other idea I had a while back, based on but not actually using Kara and Lee… (and to a certain extent what I would do with the idea of but not actually Black Widow and Hawkeye ;)

A couple who wants to be a couple but can’t.

One’s black-ops/mercenary/assassin.

The other a more upstanding agent for one side the first character is playing.

They rendezvous. They work together. They fight over ideology. They actually physically fight. They rendezvous. ;) ;)

They both have twisty pasts that keep them from fully engaging with each other. Some of it legit. Some of it circumstance.

Tahmoh Penikett plays a fellow assassin.

And as soon as I find my Rambaldi, I’ll write my pilot. ;D

Ok, thank you. I just needed to ramble and babble and be all excited-y about Alias and weird things that go on in my mind. Feel free to flail about Alias or my spy/assassin idea.


things i love, television, k/l

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