Well, We Almost Made It...

Jul 09, 2005 03:05

What a day. Nothing like two movies back to back and then an all too eventful BBQ. Shafer's head got puked on (hilarious) and I got to hear Joe's drunk song (equally hilarious). Remember that bad feeling that I had a few weeks ago? The feeling that the harmony that existed among the crew here in Boston couldn't last? Well, it finally happened, it's cracking (but not in a way that I expected) and I'm afraid that people are going to start taking sides. And since the battle is going to be among friends, I cannot participate; I can only do my best to make it as blood-less as possible. Thank God I'm leaving, b/c when I do, it will all go away (for me at least, but probably for everyone else too). I just wish it could've waited six more days...
SIX MORE DAYS!?!?!? I'm excited, but it feels like I have soooo much shit to do. And I still need to get rid of this futon! And by so much shit, I mean packing and getting rid of the futon, so really not all that much. But I did promise myself I would finish The Chronicles of Narnia and beat Zelda. The fact that I just got Pokemon Puzzle League in the mail doesn't help ANY of this.
On a much more triumphant note, my parents notified me on Thursday that BU has given me a HUGE scholarship! Bigger than the one I lost. So now I don't have to feel like I've failed myself and my parents because I wasn't good enough for a big expensive school like BU. Granted I still might not be good enough, but at least BU is throwing money at the problem (which, according to Dave, fixes everything).
Erin's visit was great. It was good to see her for one last time before she runs off to LaLa Land. The party here was very weird, but a lot of fun. I got a huge lecture from a long ago Troupie president. Now I feel like I've been put in charge of the Masons.
4th of July was also quite entertaining. It involved me having a near panic attack in a crowd of 500,000 Bostonians (because too many toddlers grabbed my knee), drinking straight vodka from a little glass bottle that traveled with me everywhere, and being evacuated from a frat house roof in the middle of the fireworks show. Pushing my way through the crowd of drunk people coming from the Esplanade was very War of the Worlds-ish, and fun. But perhaps the best part of the night was watching Joe almost punch Arko in the face over a card game.

Oh, and Alexei squeals like a little girl when he gets wet. Fantastic.
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