(no subject)

Aug 06, 2007 01:37

kallie garry: hii
Josh Grant: hi
kallie garry: im really sorry josh... and i dont want to fight
kallie garry: but you fucked me up man
Josh Grant: how did I fuck you up
kallie garry: i seriously care/cared about you soo fucking much.and it kills me when you tell me that you never cared about me
kallie garry: especially when you made me think you did
Josh Grant: How did I make you think I did? cause I guess I need to stop doing this to girls
kallie garry: how didnt you...
kallie garry: josh all the times you would call me and tell me you did care about me and blah blah blah and that i piss you off so nad because im such a huge flirt and ughhhh
kallie garry: whatever
kallie garry: this was a mistake
kallie garry: bad*
Josh Grant: but you knew I was drunk
kallie garry: well i guess i should have
kallie garry: i think im going to go now tho
Josh Grant: well I dont mean to be a dick
kallie garry: you know what... your right.
kallie garry: but you can be
Josh Grant: I know I can be
Josh Grant: but so can you
kallie garry: its just funny how you can fuck someone you dont care about and you can call someone almost every night and talk to them for hours but you dont care about them
kallie garry: haha
kallie garry: guess im clueless
kallie garry: yep just a young ass teenager
Josh Grant: well I guess i cared about you as a friend
kallie garry: you guess hahahahaha.
kallie garry: wow
kallie garry: im outta here.
kallie garry: you are the most twisted confusing person ever
Josh Grant: ok I did care about you as a friend,,, is that better
kallie garry: yeah but it still just fucks with my head... you should keep your fucking dick in your pants if you dont care about people
Josh Grant: I didnt think that you thought we like be together,,, your 18 and i'm 26
kallie garry: i didnt think we were going to be together
kallie garry: where the fuck did you get that
Josh Grant: then what are you talking about keeping my dick in my pants?
kallie garry: you dont have to be with someone to care about them more then friends hahaa anyways. im done with that
kallie garry: why didnt you come out tonight?
Josh Grant: cause I went out last night
kallie garry: oh
kallie garry: TONIGHT WAS THE MOST FUN i have had in a realllly long ass time
Josh Grant: cool
kallie garry: yeah. i looked for you
Josh Grant: naw i still feel like shit
kallie garry: gheyy. everyone was there like everyone that used to go all the time... even jimmy and jessica
kallie garry: diane
kallie garry: jeffery
kallie garry: it was great
Josh Grant: yeah i'm broke right now and I'm pissed cause i lost my hat
kallie garry: really?!!?!?!?!
Josh Grant: I think I put it on top of the car and forgot to grab it
kallie garry: well that sucks
Josh Grant: yup sure does
kallie garry: so my hairs dark again
kallie garry: i love it
kallie garry: and so does everyone else
kallie garry: lol
Josh Grant: cool
kallie garry: so why didnt you talk to himmey last night?
Josh Grant: I had nothing to say to him
kallie garry: josh parker?!?!?!?!
kallie garry: nothing to say?!?!?!?!?!
kallie garry: haha jk
Josh Grant: nope he knows why i'm pissed
kallie garry: he said he doesnt
kallie garry: i talked to him about it today
kallie garry: he asked me why you were pissed at him
Josh Grant: he even told Michelle that he knew what it was about
kallie garry: well alls i know is i told him the only thing i can think of is how you were mad at me and i was hanging out with him or about the car ride for money thing
Josh Grant: yup kinda both
kallie garry: i can understand the car ride for money thing but its just fucking stuuuuuupid and childish  to get mad over him hanging out with me thing
kallie garry: hes my friend now too josh
kallie garry: im sorrry if that bothers you
kallie garry: it really makes me upset that it bothers you that your friends like me?
kallie garry: you should want your friends to like me
kallie garry: and you shouldnt care if you dont care about me
Josh Grant: its that fact that when i had a car i would go pick his ass up all the time and not charge him
kallie garry: that has nothing to do with the me thing
kallie garry: and you know it
Josh Grant: well he can go pick you up and not charge you
kallie garry: you dont understand how much i had to beg him... and he was already out here... he had to drop off the dude from work that let him borrow the car
kallie garry: and i stayed the night there
kallie garry: he didnt bring me home untill the next day
kallie garry: when he had to bring the car back out this way
kallie garry: soo you shouldnt be mad
Josh Grant: well all the times I go got him he could hvae gave me a ride
kallie garry: I UNDERSTAND THAT..... butttt what i wanna know is why you were mad that he was hanging out with me?
Josh Grant: cause he could go pick you up and not charge you
kallie garry: thats not why
kallie garry: because you were bitchin before that even happened
Josh Grant: No I did not
kallie garry: okay whatever
kallie garry: im not going to argue
kallie garry: but i know better
Josh Grant: I got pissed at you when you told me that you had a temp of 104 and just HAD to go to thr ER,,, but when bar time came around you were just fine
kallie garry: whyyy? you dont care remember. what i do shouldnt matter.... and i did go to the er... i have viral pharyingitis (might be spelled wrong) my whole throat closed up and i couldnt breathe. kassy has my hospital braclett and i have the papers saying its not contagious and it just has to run its coarse... and they gave me 3 shots in the butt and i was so high on that shit i couldnt feel anything
kallie garry: and i wanted to see my friends
kallie garry: why does that matter to you
kallie garry: why are you getting mad about that?
kallie garry: theres nothing wrong with me going to the bar...
kallie garry: even when im sick
kallie garry: if i felt better who cares
Josh Grant: you were to sick to go fill out applications
kallie garry: I HAVE A FUCKING JOB NOW
kallie garry: why would i go fill out apps?
kallie garry: and why do you care
kallie garry: its not your life
kallie garry: you dont have to be and arent going to be with me for the rest of my life
kallie garry: it shouldnt matter what i do with my life to you
Josh Grant: well thats the reason I wouldnt like you,,, you say you have a job but watch something will happen and you wont go
kallie garry: d00d are you kidding me
kallie garry: this is the easiest job ever
kallie garry: im babysitting 2 kids... 3rd shift. making 280.00 every other week
kallie garry: im getting paid to sleep really
kallie garry: my rent is going to be 200.00 a month
kallie garry: and thats all i have to worry about right now
kallie garry: you dont understand how good things are going for me right now josh
kallie garry: and thats the reason you wouldnt like me?
kallie garry: lame reason
kallie garry: but iguess theres no more to talk about.
Josh Grant: I want someone who has goals and dont want to go to the bar all the time
kallie garry: you made everything clear
kallie garry: thats cool
Josh Grant: you sure I made everything clear?
kallie garry: yeah i guess. let me sum this up. you dont like me because im not up to your standards anddddd you only like me as a friend anyways so it shouldnt matter
kallie garry: yep pretty clear
kallie garry: gotchya!
Josh Grant: well I wouldnt have slept with you if I didnt think you were cute
kallie garry: sweet
kallie garry: thanks.
Josh Grant: but cause of they way you want to live you live,,, i wouldnt ever want to be with someone like that
kallie garry: what because im acting just like you prob when you were my age... okay not even you anyone... haha im sorry im 18.... actually im sorry i even started this convo... im sorry i care about you... and im sorry im not good enought for you haha and to think.. you dont want a girl who goes out all the time...... wait where did we meet again HAHAHA. yeah whatever...
kallie garry: im sorry
kallie garry: i really am not tryin to be a bitch
kallie garry: at all im any means
Josh Grant: yeah your 18 but you dont have to go to the bar all the time
kallie garry: josh i go to the bar because im single... young and i want to have funnnnnn.... now that i have this job i cant go out all the time anyways lol
Josh Grant: i'm trying to help you,,, not make the mistakes that I have,,, the bar is nothing good
kallie garry: dont try to help me its a waste of time.... remember i will never amount to anything
Josh Grant: Well if you would go get your GED get into college and keep a job,,, you would be alot hotter
kallie garry: you want to know whats hilarious... i can only do so much you know... i am enrolled to start school... i have to wait untill school starts lol  i have to actually do all the shit to get my ged and pay for it haha because yes it costs 50 dollars per test
kallie garry: and now i have a job to pay for that
kallie garry: i went down to get my id today
kallie garry: got the paper one
kallie garry: waiting for it to come in the mail
kallie garry: cant go to college untiiiillll i get my ged
Josh Grant: well I'm going to get off from here,,, i'm not to tired if you want me to still call
kallie garry: yeah
kallie garry: later
Josh Grant: call later?
Josh Grant: i'm not going to be up forever
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