You can say it one more time, what you don't like

Feb 18, 2011 12:47


I need some help.

I need suggestions for what sucks about me how to improve myself. Tell me what you don't like about me. What you wish I'd change or fix. What items need attention to make me closer to how awesome you think I *should* be. You don't even have to know me very well.

Lots of folks have asked for similar as a new years resolution. Whereas I had been waiting for time when I'd have the emotional energy to read the responses fairly, or enough piece of mind not to take things too personally ... and I'm just so busy and tired that that perfect window isn't likely to come any time soon.

And as a result, I'm not growing. And that is unacceptable.

So please, I invite you to comment. Give me constructive criticism, or if that's too complicated, just tell me what you don't like, and I'll figure out what to do about it on my own.

Anonymous commenting is allowed, and expected, but I'll still love you even if you say it userpic-to-userpic. If you see a comment you want to second, please do so -- ninety three comments about one bad habit is indeed informative.


growth, introspection

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