Matthew 5:21-24 -- Jesus on Anger

Jul 02, 2010 11:28

21 “Everybody can quote: ‘thou shalt not murder; or God will be pissed.’ Yes. You're very smaaht. Now shaddup. 22 Because I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother pisses off God; whoever insults his brother oughtta be jailed; and whoever says, ‘You IDIOT!’ will burn in the hell of fire. 23 So, you want to make things all better with God. That's a good intention. But bringing God a Mounds bar doesn't fix you. if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave the Mounds bar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. It's bro's before holy gho's, yo.

This is *basic* Jesus 101, people. Sermon on the mount. Doing the minimum was NOT THE POINT. Okay, so you didn't beat that gay man to death with a baseball bat. How Christian of you. But when the Church with a big C verbally abuses gays, Jesus says it's just as bad or worse. And furthermore, we cannot be reconciled to God until we reconcile our hatred of others.

*Acceptance* has become the watchword for the more Christian way to handle the homosexuality 'problem'. After all, God 'accepts' all kinds of sinners, right? But, and I quote:

"Acceptance is one thing. Reconciliation is another. Sure at Pride, everyone is accepted (except perhaps the protestors). There are churches that say they accept all. There are business that say the accept everyone. But acceptance isn’t enough. Reconciliation is."

And it starts with two simple words: I'm sorry.

It's refreshing to hear about Christians who actually read this bit, and who seem to get it. It's sinking in, slowly but surely.

So what if I am just a mouthpiece for the content aggregation diva that is interactiveleaf. I can be comfortable with that.

god, ovaltine, religion, bible study

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