And behind door #3...A NEW JOB!

Oct 09, 2007 18:02

Things at NMS have been great lately. Lots of interesting problems to solve, plenty of fun Perl implementation work, and a not-especially-rushed schedule. Ahhhhh.

So then why the flying dickens did I put in my resignation today, to move over to a start-up with less stability, and increased hours?

Has anyone else in Softeng experienced this: Despite interesting problems and the use of fun tools for implementation, at the end of the day, I felt like I had nothing to show for it. All of my work went toward keeping a high-reliability platform operational, and allowing users to configure it. The only time my work gets if something breaks.

NMS really is a great workplace overall...but the problem is the work, not the place. I want the same engineering challenges, but with an end result that is more tangible. At the end of the day, I want my project to be my baby...something I can show off. Something I can explain to my grandparents.

The first embedded project I'm joining at Radiospire? Wireless HDMI. Lag-free, digital 1080p video & audio over the air.
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