My doctor, whom I love!, just put me on a couple of new meds. I'm ridiculously hopeful that they'll help me get back to the me I used to be. Better living through chemistry, and all that. But they're supposed to take a while to take effect, so I thought I might journal the journey on here.
Details, which may be TMI for lots of people, below the fold.
The first of the meds is Tri-Sprintec, which I've been on before. Went off about a year ago, after Seeger and I broke up. Mostly because I'd always hated that the pills messed with my natural cycle, so I wanted to see if I could get that back. The answer to that question is a resounding NO. Sadly. On top of which, I suddenly started in with (what I consider to be) some serious acne issues. Undoubtedly compounded with the insane levels of grad school stress that I inflict upon myself, as well as the ickily wet weather here. Turns out that this Colorado-girl not only loves the sunshine of home but also the wickedly dry climate. So Oregon has been pretty sucky for me and my face. Maybe this will help. A little. Remind me not to move to England or the deep south after I graduate.
Oregon has also been pretty sucky for my mood. The rains reeeaaally get to me. I knew that would happen -- I've always been a bit of a sun-worshiper -- but I'd only planned to move here for a year to get my master's degree, then move on back home to Colorado. But then I got "talked into" staying here for the PhD. (Which is possibly the worst decision I've ever made... remains to be seen if I actually get out of the program alive.) And I found the whole situation -- the rain, the PhD work, the lack of a social life, engineer (a.k.a. non-touchy-feely) friends -- pretty depressing. So I started taking St John's Wort. Then I bought a
SAD lamp. And I started skiing -- because the rain is a little bit better if I know it means I'll be on powder on the weekend. This summer I took up trail running, because apparently there's some bacteria in dirt that chases away depression (I'd link the article if I could find it). I swear it's totally true.
But even all of that was only enough to take the edge off. I haven't been me since about a year after I moved here -- so that'd be 2003. I think none of my friends here really understand, though I've talked about it at length with a few of them, especially Seeger -- because they only know Oregon-me, they've never met the happier bouncier cheerier lovey-er nicer Colorado-me. And I miss that me.
This spring I made a small attempt to talk to a doctor about all this -- but not my normal doctor, who was on sabbatical. It was some b*tch of a doctor who was so dismissive uninterested rude that I ran all summer on a broken foot rather than deal with her again. Phew. /rant. But yesterday, yesterday! oh happy day!, my fabulous wonderful caring doctor prescribed me some Prozac. (The subject came up when she was debating Tri-Sprintec versus Accutane, and I refused to go on Accutane because of Dawn's experiences on it -- I am depressed enough as it is, I told the dr, I certainly don't need Accutane adding on to it.) Oh I am soooo excited about it! It's supposed to take 4 weeks to start working though, and patience is not one of my best virtues. Sigh. So, we'll see how it goes.