Thanks. Ok, I fixed it now, I thought it was my computer or something^^;
Yes, of course you're staying my my friends list! Why would I unfriend you? I know I've only know you for like a month or so, but I was the one who was asking to be on your friends list so yeah, of course you're staying *nods* If I did unfriend you that would just be illogical^^;
Do I get to stay? ::Puppy eyes.::
Yes, of course you're staying my my friends list! Why would I unfriend you? I know I've only know you for like a month or so, but I was the one who was asking to be on your friends list so yeah, of course you're staying *nods* If I did unfriend you that would just be illogical^^;
Yeay, I just wanted to be v. sure. XD;
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