Busy. Really Ridiculously Busy.

Apr 21, 2008 18:14

So, I keep almost freaking about over the amount of stuff I have to do before the semester ends, and no one really understands why, except those who are in similar positions. I thought I might just throw a list up of all the stuff I have to do in the next two weeks. I've organized by class instead of by due date, because strangely enough, that works better for me.

French Class - and this is simply absurd. There's no reason some of this stuff couldn't have been done earlier in the semester, like the journal, portfolio (which is a collection of a semester's worth of homework) and the oral presentations).

  • Portfolio. Due Wed 4/23. Still need to complete 1 homework before turn in.
  • Journal. Due Friday 4/25 (Have to turn in Wednesday because I won't be here Friday). Still have one 1 page entry to write, entirely in French, on a subject of my choosing.
  • Oral final. Due Tuesday 4/29 directly after class. This is a 15 minute "spontaneous" conversation with a partner from class. At least I got to choose my partner, because he's one of the few that I have faith to carry a conversation in French, and I can actually understand what he's saying. We're going to work on it a bit ahead of time, but it's still nervewracking.
  • Chapter 12 Exam. In Class both Monday 4/28 and Tuesday 4/29. I'm nervous about this. The timing couldn't be worse.
  • Oral Presentation. Due Friday 5/2 in Class. A 5-10 minute presentation, completely in French, on a French artist or Musician of my choice. I'm doing music, and will likely go with Claude Debussy or another composer I covered in my Intro to Music class last summer. Still, I have to do research, write out my speech, memorize it and make notecards, AND have a sample of music to play.
  • Quia (online lab assignments) due Friday 5/2 by Midnight. This pairs with Chp 12, so it's useful to do before the test, but I don't know if that will happen.
  • Written Final. Monday 5/5 at 8:00 am. That's right. My hardest and longest final is the very first one I have, at 8 am on a Monday morning. That is so ridiculous and it seriously makes me want to cry.

That is ONE CLASS. ONE. Here's more.

Philosophy of Religion:
  • Term Paper. Due Thursday 5/1 by 4:00 pm. Should be between 8-10 pages long. At least he gave us 4 topics to choose from and I don't have to come up with my own.
  • Written Final. Monday, 5/5 at 1:30. The only other final I actually really seriously need to study for, and it's also on Monday. This is bull.

Human Geography: I will admit that I got lucky here, because my teacher fell and got seriously hurt. He's in his 60s and has bleeding in his skull and while is conscious and can respond by squeezing hands and such, he can't talk, and it's been 2 weeks since his fall. The department scrambled to get teachers to cover his class for the rest of the semester and luckily, they dropped all the pop quizzes scheduled, dropped a unit test (that would have been tomorrow) and instead of having a seriously difficult and completely comprehensive final, we're having a 50 question multiple choice test that will lean heavily on what we learn from the subs and text book reading. This is good, because my professor's tests actually are REALLY difficult.
  • Final Exam. Thursday 5/8 at 8:00 am. (Timing isn't bad because this class is normally at 8 am.)

History of Modern Philosophy: Also really lucky here, because I overestimated what was expected as far as length and depth on our first paper, so I can scale it back quite a bit. Also, I didn't miss much class and have at least 2 of the 4 philosophers we studied down pretty good. I likely won't put as much effort into this as I really should.
  • Term Paper. Due Wednesday 5/7 by 5:00 pm. This is 50% of the course grade.

Choir: Yeah, choir. Regular rehearsals are done, so yay, right? NO. BECAUSE NOW WE HAVE REHEARSAL AT NIGHT AND THEY LAST FOREVER.
  • Rehearsal - Wed 4/23 7:00 - 9:30 pm
  • Rehearsal - Sun 4/27 2:00-5:30 pm (I have to miss this, I'll explain why in a minute.)
  • Rehearsal - Mon 4/28 7:00-9:30 pm
  • Performance - Tues 4/29 7:00-10:00 pm

Right. So that's all my class stuff. On it's own, honestly, it's not overwhelming. Ok, the French stuff is a little out of control, but I could handle it.




So, because this is just the type of thing I am good at (organizing weddings and such) and because everyone else works full time, and my sister got incredibly sick this past week, I have got tons to do for the wedding.
  • -First of all, I'm in charge of all the music. I've got most everything picked out, but need a few more upbeat dancy type songs for the reception. If anyone has ideas, especially 80s and early 90s rock songs, send em off! Also, have to put songs into playlists and make sure I know the cues for when to fade up/out for the ceremony songs. And put the songs in order. Because I do not use shuffle during weddings. You get some really bad combos that way.
  • - We bought about 90% of the decorations on Saturday and Sunday, but still need to pick up a few odd things. (Thank God for Liberty's help, or I'd have strangeled my mother and probably been in tears at the end of the night.)
  • -Cake and flowers are ordered, finally. I don't know when the cake is being picked up/delievered though. Need to find that out. Also have to buy 2 random bouquets for centerpieces either Saturday or Sunday.
  • - Have to skip doing a slide show because of time constraints, which is a shame really, because there are 2 flat screen TVs mounted to the wall of the place and it would be cool to have the slides on a continuous loop.
  • - Have to buy all the food and prep it on Friday. We're just doing cold cut sandwiches and a couple veggie/cracker tray things, and a chocolate fountain with strawberries. It's a mid afternoon wedding, so not a whole meal, but still, kind of hard to do. Also need to get all the alcohol, MOM.
  • - My niece wanted to make those yummy cream cheese mints, but I'd have to help her, and I don't know when we could do it. Maybe I don't have to help her. I'll just send the recipe with a few tips. She REALLY wants to do them.
  • - Set up and decorate all day Saturday. Y'all, I have over 100 yds of tulle to cut/hang/swag/bunch etc. Rose petals can't go out until the day of, and we're having the ceremony and reception in the same room, so after the ceremony, we have to take down chairs and put up tables and food while the B&G are off taking pictures. Fr. Srs.
  • - Actually have the damn wedding.
  • - Be nice to family. I list this because at times like these, I really do need a reminder.

SO. If I come across as short or impatient or inexcusably bitchy (more so than normal, I mean) I apologize in advance. I really don't mean to piss anyone off. But I don't think that the timing on ANY of this could have gotten worse. I really, REALLY don't. Some of it is my fault (I could have been working on the essays sooner), some of it is my teachers' fault (I didn't get most of these assignments until last week) and some of it is my sister's fault for deciding to have her wedding. I know she shouldn't have to ask when is a good time for other people, but if you have to rely on a few particular people (like me and my mom) it would have been nice to ask if it's a good time. I would have asked her to wait 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks! Ok, maybe 3. But that's not an option right now.

If anyone has light-hearted type things to try and keep me happy, that would be good (besides Mafia, cause I'm already there :P). Because on top of it all, it's THAT time, and I'm eating like shit because I don't have time to cook or go to the store. So naturally, everything is worse because of that.

Ok, I've spent enough time doing this blog now. But I needed to make a list for myself, and had to get it all out there so I know what I'm dealing with. It's doable right?

school, life

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