Jul 13, 2007 19:51
Here I am. I went to take a nap at 2pm because I had to get up at 3am for work. I didn't wake up till about 8pm. I guess it just hit me hard when I flopped on the bed. It was so hott. I had to walk back down to the store and grab Drew's sweatshirt. Well I didn't need it at that moment but I had it this morning because it was cold, really cold, and I forgot about at work. I don't have work tomorrow so I thought that it would be wise to get it so that I wouldn't forget it again.
My sister and brother are coming over tomorrow. yep. The apartment is not clean and it should be but......I'm lazy. But it will be before they arrive ......hopefully.
I get a pay check next week. It will probably have $100 in it.
My boss said that the reason why they didn't have any of the Irving shirts in my size is because I am the smallest person to ever work there and she has been manager for 15 years I think. That is a wicked long time and that is pretty sad that mostly fat people work there. oh boy.