I need some therapy or something

Oct 12, 2007 09:32

All this semester has been is stressfull. At first I had too many things to do. I had class, homework, work study, rehearsals, and a job at Irving. Well I just recently quit the job because I was not getting enough sleep and I was falling way behind on my homework and not doing so good on tests. I thought that things would calm down. NOPE! The show just got more intense and I worried about a friend of mine who is sending me mixed messages or at least I am getting confused about what he is trying to say to me. I spent all of last night worrying and crying about it. I'm surprized that I did fall asleep though I probably didn't get that much sleep. I am really worried about him.

So this weekend is family fest. My parents are coming up but only to use my tub. I know weird. My mother's back hurts her really bad and they don't have a tub where she can just soak in the hot water so she's coming up here to use mine. You have no idea how weird it feels. Drew's parents are coming up too. Maybe they will finally meet but I bet it will be a disaster b/c my mom will not be the mood to meet new people but Drew's mom will insist and try to take them out to dinner when they don't like going to resturants. They feel that the waitresses are giving them dirty dishes on purpose. OMG.

My back hurts, my eyes hurt, and my brain hurts as well. I need a vacation or something. Time off where I can sit on a nice warm sunny beach tanning myself away. I need a tan. I'm getting a computer geek tan and it is scaring me. AHHHHHHH!!!!!

This does not seem to be a good year or a good week for anyone. Everyone is breaking down. I know that at least 4 people including me has just broke down and cried or whatever. This year seems to be really really hard. I can feel all the stress just coming down on me and it feels like a ton of bricks. Ouchies.

Too much crap to do! Too much! Too much!
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