July 31, 2002 was my first entry into LJ, before tags. So I have gone through my entire LJ and added tags for all gaming entries. Of course the only ones without any were vampire from way before they started them. But I read them all, I read my Exalted entries and my Falkenstein entries. I really miss Anna, Kiyone and Alexis.
I find it kinda funny, and a bit worrisome. Kiyone had become pregnant not long before the game ended, right before the Scion game started two and a half years ago (May, 2007). Carina's pregnant now. They both were/are to have twins. Does that mean the Scion game's going to end? I hope not. I think
baronsamedi has learned how to control not getting burned out so quickly. I might actually get to have a character have children before the game ends suddenly... which I'm sure it will. Every game I've ever been in has ended suddenly. No closure anywhere.
Anyway, after going through everything, my other selves, these characters, all of them past and present, got together to talk. Alexis and Kiyone got into a pissing match about who is the better 17 year old. Juliet learned that Rajani had worked with Saltmarsh Andy. She also has let that former life come to a close and realizes what the problem was, thanks to Alexis. Anna misses Monty and Sullivan. Kiyone misses Zaccheus and Starke. Alexis misses Abraxanomac. And Juliet actually does miss the band. Carina feels sorry for them all. Anna, who was in charge of getting them together, knew everyone except the Scions are stuck in time. She just wanted everyone to get together just to remember. And to soothe my brain and find something for me to think about.
I do have to admit that I was probably a bit loopy five years ago. I'm much better now. I still wish I was gaming once a week and not twice a month. I realized that I've had my satellite radio for four years now. It was July 19th, 2005 when my car was hit by lightning. See, my fear is reasonable. But I am having the death fear again. It seems a little stronger this time. It's not just me dying, it's everyone. It frightens me. I'm not sure what has brought this on. I want to get over it.
But as Howard Jones sings, things can only get better. I will go on. Maybe one day I'll get back to playing once a week, if anyone starts another game, which doesn't look likely in the next... oh, years. Enough whining. Let's move on...