Yes, it's that time of year. Time for me to bitch about something. Nearly everyone else has had the chance to guest in another game. I've never been asked. The only reasons I can think of are that Carina is useless or everyone thinks I'm unsociable. Well, I'm not unsociable. I'd love to be more involved. So it must be Carina. I know she's not useless in Rada, but I suppose to every other group, she is incredibly useless and would never be good enough to guest. Seriously, I just want to be ASKED just once. And the offer has to be serious, too. If I can't do it, then fine, it can be the LAST time. That's all I'm asking for....
Enough of my whining. I'm sorry. Anyway, in the Rada game, we've discovered that Carina is most definitely NOT immune to fire and she really and truly hates snakes or any type. And she asked Jacob, "I can haz three bolsters?" Yes, I know they don't stack. Carina knows that, too. She just wanted two for the twins, which she still hasn't said anything to the others. First, there wasn't time, and second, she's not quite sure how to tell them. Casually? "Oh, I just wanted to let you know, I'm pregnant." Excitedly? "Everyone, great news! Sam and I are going to be parents!" I mean, just how do you tell people like that?
I swear, I HATE SNAKES! Any kind; big, small, coming out of awkward places on ugly females...
So anyway, let's see, Cesar's boys, Gump and Melvin, were going to do their individual kind of magic on the crystal. Gump was going to hack into the system and Melvin was going to blow the shit up (Cesar's words, not mine ^_^). In the meantime, the others had to hold off the incoming bad guys until it was time to run. Kamarina has a slight problem with that first bite. It doesn't do as much as it should. I guess she has to get that taste of blood before she kicks ass. She leapt at one of the humans, grabbed him by the throat, but wasn't able to take him out completely. So, she bit down again and took his head completely off. She was too intent on the guy that I didn't see what happened elsewhere. All I saw was complete fear in the guy's eyes. After Kamarina threw the head off to the side, she leapt forward behind the others, getting ahead of them rather quickly. A moment later, the whole thing blew up and I suddenly saw Sam and Jacob through Kamarina's eyes. Sam aimed at the two huge zombies and took them down quickly. Kamarina helped Joanna finish off two of the guards. I felt a tap on my shoulder and pulled away from Kamarina. Helena, Cesar, T-Bone and Storm were ready to head over.
We get on the island and Cesar told us where this thing was that he saw that looked important. Between Storm and Jacob doing the heavy lifting and Sam and I looking around, we found it easily. It had four different areas listed that are where Myan pyramids are on the mainland. So while Helena, Jacob and I were looking over the thing, Cesar called Paris to find out who the hell put the hit out on the political figure that ended up being a Baka. He found out that it was Paris' head of the Honduras office. He sent every bit of information about the location, including passwords. So now we knew where we were going next. Paris had given Cesar permission to do what he had to do and suggested he "call his friends" to which Cesar replied that we were already here. Paris offered compensation for our help. That's nice. Jacob brought up "donations to college funds", which sounded like a good idea. I was thinking maybe some protection for the house.
Getting into Honduras was going to be the fun part. Where we're going is under martial law. Thankfully, T-Bone is a smooth talker. The building we needed to go to was a four story brick and stone construct with an electrified fence surrounding it. T-Bone was useful again, shorting out the fence like he did Daitokuji's robots a year ago... Wow, it has been a year since that happened. Anyway, we walk into the building to find a woman sitting at a desk typing. She didn't look up, didn't stop typing. Helena grunted something about her being a zombie. Before much else happened, we heard the ding of the elevator and the doors opened to show a guy stooped with a rocket launcher on his shoulder. I am not immune to fire, unlike others. The blast FUCKING HURT! I went through a shadow and outside to console myself for a minute (and heal what I could) and check out the other floors. The second and third floors looked empty. The top floor had no windows and no entrance from the roof. And the stairs didn't go up that far either, only the elevator. What a stupid plan. I mean, what do you do if some idiot shoots off a rocket launcher in there and the whole floor is on fire? How do you get out then, huh? Stupid idiots...
I came back in after composing myself and wiping away the tears. I told them what I'd found and sheepishly asked Jacob to bolster me. As he bolstered everyone, I did the same for him. I guess it's a really good thing he has tough skin. I'm getting better, but nothing like him. I did jokingly ask for three bolsters, one each for me and the twins, hoping maybe the others would realize and I could easily tell them about me being pregnant. No such luck. They still don't know. Soon, though. Before Jacob has to scold me again. We all powered up, me turning on Body Armor, which would help a LOT if I get hit by fire again, and Untouchable Opponent. Yeah, try and hit me, bitch! Cesar got the great idea of having Storm punch the ceiling/floor of every level and going up that way. Turned out to be an awesome idea. We came up in between everyone in the room. Cesar started posturing, as he does at these times. I looked at T-Bone for a split second before he disappeared. I knew he had the ability to drop defenses like I do. I hoped he'd go after the main guy, who had just turned into a giant dragon with feathers. Jacob said that he was as strong as us, as far as Legend is concerned. Oh, wonderful.
Cesar, T-Bone and I were fastest. Yes, I can go at the same time as Cesar now. It's going to be very important that happens more often than not. I leapt forward and spun between the dragon and the Baka, slicing them both and doing little damage, but it was more than enough to lower their defenses. I saw T-Bone for a brief moment as he hit the dragon. I turned my second shot on the Baka and stabbed him pretty good. Then the unfortunate happened, the dragon spewed flames at Cesar and me. I threw up my arms out of habit and ducked. Thankfully it didn't get through Jacob's bolster. But it was enough to frustrate me to death. I couldn't help myself. I started bawling. I was reaching out to grab one of his feathers when I saw Storm's javelin go through the thing twice, dropping him. That only made me cry more. I glared at Storm and took my anger and frustration out on one of the Xiaballans. Yes, they're back. The human looking people were Xiaballans. About that time, when Cesar looked like he was going to kill Storm next for taking his kill, which looked really scary since he'd ripped the heart out of the Baka and ate it in his rage, his chest all open and everything, ew, two Tzitzimime dropped in. There was also this Mayan Indian looking guy shooting arrows. I saw Helena shoot at him. Cesar took out one of the Tzitzimime and Jacob and I teamed up on the other one. Of course when we attacked, they tried to hit us with their snakes that came out of their... pants. Ew! I slashed at it once so it had to shed its' skin and then Jacob slashed through its chest and I knocked aside his blade as I put my clawed fist through his back. I'm getting used to this gore, as long as I'm causing it.
We all backed down to let Cesar talk to the Mayan. Helena had gotten a bit of goo on her when she shot him. Thankfully it didn't do anything to her, or Storm or Jacob since they'd been in the way, too. Unfortunately, he didn't have much information, so Cesar shot him, after telling us to get out of the way. Helena went and washed up and then came back to hack into the computer. My clothes are a bit singed. I need to get at least a new shirt before we leave here. It took Helena a while, so while she was doing that, I got cleaned up and took one of the feathers from the dead dragon. I had a partial kill of that bastard. I want the proof. Helena found out that this group was headed up by 7D with help from a Mr. T. Cesar snorted at 7D, which stood for 7 Deaths, like Hun Came was 1D. But the stereo moan from Jacob and T-Bone was curious when Helena mentioned Mr. T. Jacob got to work with T-Bone's group (why don't I ever get to go help them? ;_; ) and they were up against someone named "Mr. Tallyman" who used Baka a lot. He had a grudge with Pierre for some reason. Anyway, they have a group of soldiers somewhere in the jungle with airplanes and tanks. The airplanes fly out every so often searching for Scions to shoot and kill. I don't like the sound of this... We've got to decide how we're going to find them and how we're going to get out there. I suppose I should tell everyone now that I'm pregnant, but I just don't know how. *sigh*