Jan 18, 2005 15:45
*Friday-went to the game Central vs. MEMORIAL. I wan on the memorial side like the whole time!lol but then went to the central side to see some people. Then jordyn, meagen,jeff aj and I went to jeffs house and watched a VERY cool snowboard video that had good music along with it!Then we all went into the hott tub! It felt soo nice.
*Saturday-I was in all day until amber got out of work and she picked me up along with jakcie!! We went to the mall for some last minute shopping for semi! Amber got her dress! Its HOTT!then we headed over to Mc. Donalds and had a blast there!
*Sunday-Lee lee came and got me and we went over ambers house to get all sexifyed for the SEMI! Which by the way we looked Fucking hott!
Well SEMI was great! I had a great time with my girls! and tara was thier witch was a plus!! Everything thing went great minus a few things.But whatever I'm over it!:)These girls would walk by me as I was dancing and they were like DAMN!lol It was a GREAT night with AKL! God do I love them!!
Well theirs nothing else to talk about...
*rock on*