(no subject)

Apr 18, 2005 06:20

friday- nothing i can think of

saturday- battle of the bands, ruby tuesdays, carleen's, max's, julie's. random/weird/emotional stuff

today- cool. only day worth writing about..kailyn picked me up and we went to the beach. the world was almost going to end..it still will (2012). the waves were sooo big and it was sooo windy. we found a hill and kind of dug a hole so it would protect us lol. then kailyn helped me with my homework. i mean helped as in gave me all the answers =) pure love. then we went to the pizzeria and the cops were eating and being pervs. then we went back and julie came. poor girl, i love her! all of a sudden lindsey came up out of no where lol it was cool. someday we're all gunna go to gainesville which should be fun. then george came. him and kailyn are soo cute! then he had to go and so did julie so it was me and kailyn again. so i call my mom and she's all mad but decides to pick us up anyway. then we went to he mall and shopped. those damn gay guys/idiots at ae! they annoy me. anyways, we left after peeing a thousand times and seeing GORGEOUS :) hehe. now i'm at home doing homework..how fun! wish me luck
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