Feb 23, 2004 20:37
hey kids! im sorry but i have to say something stupid: i HATE the ovaltine commercial when the mom goes "wow! i guess i b-ha-etter make m-ah-ore!" I REALLY AHTE IT. i want to reach thru the screen and dump the pitcher into her face.
i have so much cooped up energy right now... wonder why.... oh. wait.. it hink its cuz i sat at my computer chair for like 758375 hours in the past four days until my ass got numb.... but dont worry im not complaining. i did THE weirdest things during those 4 days of insanity doing my scienceprojecte ienglishessayenglishpresentationperosnale ksejaky kejie jkhafi!!! um..its really painful to say this and idk why i would ever reveal this but i had a lil whiteborad on my lap in my bed one of those nights..and i decided to write Roses are red violets are blue poems about people that really make me mad...and i also found that i wrote: "hi im tom"- ten second tom,... and "live for the moment...i love science projects!" it felt like i was looking back on something i did when i was drunk or something.
little didi know i woiuld come home from fh on sunday..my mom holding the board like it was some kind of drug, and saying, "kristen, i found ur ..poems? and im a little concerned" with a laugh. and she made me explain the sayings. but i couldnt cuz i was like unconcoius at the time or something. i remember one time that i wanted to get to my bed? buti couldnt.. idk i think i just couldnt tell my self to do it..so i stared at the wall in FRONT of my bed for like 4 minutes straight...
but little did MY MOM know that i had just been through a traumatizing experience at field hockey. first of all. the practice was so friggin pointless. it seems like every week a new foreign person with a cool accent is coming in to play with us. but this one guy has been here wayyy too long. his outfit? purple short. really short black shorts. (i guess thats european). and purple ankle socks. i dont even know his name. he just comes, and tells me "eu cen gaw fowahd ef eu'ed loike, kristen"...and i do.
BUT SECOND OF ALL. i am ashamed to say this. what happened was, this girl named carly threw up on the center of the center court. it was cleaned up , with players water bottles (?????) and a janiotors mop thing. i felt really bad for the girl cuz whenever someone throws up everyone seems to break into groups like its some kind of assignment and exchange throw up stories. i admit i did have one to tell... but i coiudl have told more, like the time lauren threw up from : 1) "dykin donuts" 2) just telling about spit on some girls mouth 3) seeing hair on the wall of a shower...but i didnt
SO THEN. they made us playon the court! they were like "ok guys, get out there!" :) ... they obviously dont have any reguard to sanitization (word?). so we played there, trying to avoid the wet area which was all "clean", if u will...THEN. i saw a great flat pass....called for it.. but recieved it a little too low maybe? I FELL. IN a straddle position. butt went down. hand touched moist floor. that meant only one thing. i was in it!! it was the corn pops commercial like never before. eveyrone was laughing at me. i was too...cuz i couldnt cry...
umm and that night, as if i DIDN'T shower: kris812fh: shower to get all the throw up off you
grossest day of my life
OK AND THERES A COUPLE OF HTINGS U MIGHT NOT WANT TO LET YOUR COMPUTER GET: 1) blazefind.com...it keeps becoming my homepage and im sick of it! 2)goldenpalace.com ...i only fear its return 3)pornstar plus...ummm 4)system32error. I HATE MY COMPUTER SO MUCH IF IT WAS A PERSON I'D HIT IT. i'd hate them. they'd be like the person that tries so hard but only fails and messes everyone else's life up... omg and speaking of that , i really found the epitome of the word loser today...it was awesome.
and i ahve concluded that the song "rock me amadeus" is in another language so u can't even sing it..its like "he ah- ya- to pa- se -da -ge -la -go "
alright im gonna go now cuz sue wants to use the computer. so it can be infected with more viruses and eventually ruin the whole system!! no idk where they come from...susan just wants to look at more houses in north carolina..our future home...
SEE YA ...byeeeee
-Adalia (thanks tosca.)