So, we've been watching
Doc Martin lately, which is vaguely like a British version of House set in a small Cornish village (not exactly, but close - with some quirky differences). It is mostly cute and charming and occasionally quite funny (and only incidentally related to the rest of this post by the fact that it is British and that I sorta worked House in there.)
The other thing Netflix is sending us now is
A Bit of Fry and Laurie, some of which I've seen before, but it's been years and years and it is so damn funny I am likely to fall off my chair. (
This, for example.)
Then I randomly stumbled upon this link:
Stephen Fry on the Joys of Swearing: Which thereupon led me to this - an hour-long documentary special thingy from 2010 about Fry and Laurie and their friendship: and Laurie - Reunited - Part 1/5)
Oh dear gods, watching these two crack each other up is like nothing else. SO GOOD. :)