Nov 28, 2005 22:17
Horrible day..
Really it wasnt that bad until just now when i looked at the clock and its 10 and im tired and i still have at least 2 more hours of hw.
You can say I procrastinate.. b/c i do.. but its disgusting that we have this much work on one night.. this english paper is the stupidest thing ever.. shes not even gonna read them.. shes already graded them in her mind (taken from jillian)
Ug i dont even have the energy to go back to my room bc i know i will look at that stupid poster board and start crying. Do you ever think that some people are just stuck being average? Im starting to believe we are destined to be a curtain type of person.. no matter how hard u work someone is always gonna be the lucky one, someones always gonna have the bad shit happen and then theres the average guy. Meet Ms. Average. Average is not bad but im sick of trying and not getting anywhere. Four years of work down the drain b/c of one test...
I have so much on my mind and i cant seem to shake ne of it off. My parents are killing me with this SAT shit. I know they are trying to insinuate that i see someone to much but if thats what makes me happy so be it. Im so over the SAT and ACT.. im pre-determined. I am not getting into UF.. or even FSU for that matter *doesnt matter b/c jills gonna blow it up ne way if they dont take her lol* --they will.
I just feel like giving up. Everything is a mess. I just wanna cry.
I hate these moods.. Jill is trying so hard to be so positive and Phil always tries to cheer me up and Cole and i will always have.. "the turkey" but i still feel like shit. I am so lucky in so many ways but im just tired of so many things. Sometimes i just wish i was grown up.. on my own not worrying about these stupid papers or emotions or the damn SAT. And other times i wish i was back in middle school where everything was so easy.. and i had casey.
whatever .. in 24 hours part of my to do list will be done..