sometimes my job is hard

Sep 18, 2012 15:28

I had a 30 year old female 19 weeks pregnant, first pregnancy, with twins. saturday she went to the bathroom and wiped and found blood, went to the ER they found nothing, sunday she went to the bathroom and felt something and when she got a mirror it was a foot. at the hospital sunday baby A and B still had heart beats, and Baby A had pulled his foot back in. but by yesterday morning baby A no longer had a heart beat and baby B was in distress. it just sucks. theres nothing i can do for her and it just sucked.

day before i took her, 8 month old drowning in a tub that mom turned her back for a split second.... this is the same family that lost their 2 year old girl to grandma running over her with the car. me? present and accounted for.

two days before that we were working a show and tell when i got the question. it's the one that people ask me that i really really wish they wouldn't. i know its really just morbid curriosity but these are my nightmares and i really don't want to share them. my ghosts are acitve enough this time of year with out you asking about them thanks. "SO what's the worst (or most horrible or tragic or what ever word you want to insert here to stir up my worst nightmare) call you've run?" just don't. unless you're my thearipist which you aren't don't ask. it's so hard to choose any way. gee is it the five year old black girl with bright red blood flowing from her head onto the stark white carpet. or is it the 6 year old drowning where mom is at the back of my ambulance begging him not to go, or is it the 98 year old lady that i have taken enough times to know her birthday and her social security number by heart that just passed away in my arms. or is it the 30 year old female that just lost her first pregnancy. my worst nightmare? pick a call. they all suck.

it just sucks and i got 9 more years of fresh night mares waiting for me.
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