nother update

Oct 01, 2005 21:44

no... no update... its story time...

Pure Evil, Preps and Their Evilness!!!

Chapter 1- A Dream Come True

Once upon a time there was this little girl. Her name was Georgia. She strived to be popular, but her galsses, braces, hand-me-down clothes, and shitty home life stopped her from her dream. So, she went through 6th grade being called a geek, and 7th grade as a nerd/loser. She accepted the fact that her being popular was a just shot in the dark.

On her first day of 8th grade, she walks into her homeroom period, sits in the last seat, as usual, and waits for the bell to ring. As she was waiting, she was daydreaming about what it would be like to sit with the popular kids at lunch, to hang out with them after school, and go to their awesome sleep-overs. She was ripped from her dreaming by a cold, peppy voice calling her, a voice shes only imagined blurting out 2 sylables that made up her name. She looked around frantically, trying to find the sorce, she spun aroung in her chair, and standing right behind her was the most popular, georgous, bitchiest girl in the entire school, Tiffany. Her heart skipped a beat, two beats, she forgot to breathe, what should she say, what should she do... this has never happened to her before. After what seemed like an hour, she gathered enough nerve to choke out a simple "hey". Never expecting Tiffany to continue a conversation, she was shocked to find that after 10 minutes, she had made plans for lunch that day, and the rest of the week, and also made arrangements to go to Tiffany's house after school on Friday and spend the night there.

Georgia wondered what had caught Tiffany's attention, why was Tiffany talking to Georgia, the loser? All morning the questions raced through her head, but at lunch she sat with the popular girls. The rest of the afternoon was a blurr, al she could think about was that her dream was finally coming true.

The week went by all to slow for Georgia, she was itching with anticipation for Friday to come, but the week seemed dragged on and on. At last the day arrived, she awoke an hour early just to make sure she packed everything for her very first sleep-over. After checking and double checking her bag, she went into the kitchen to kiss her mom goodbye. She bolted out the door and ran the whole way to school. The day went good, she got A's on all of her tests, and sat with Tiffany and her crew at lunch. Last period couldnt have gone any slower, but at last, the final bell rang. She met Tiff at the car port to be picked up, and went home with her.


ok, that was chapter 1, like it so far? if not... youll like the naxt chapters... i will write one chapter per entry.. this story has everything... drama, action, suspence, romance, foriegn-ness, comedy, and uhhh w/e else there is lol...

well thats all i have time for... byebye.
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