Jan 02, 2008 13:03

Name: Kathy

Nickname(s): Katako

Age: Above thirteen.

Gender: Female...duh.

Likes: anime, manga, naruto, shipping, fanfiction, kamichama karin, fruit (especially mango), eating, sleeping, shopping, drawing, funny words (like "mind-boggling"), stick figures, dA (deviantART), photography, photographs, ninjas, sharp pointy objects, long sticks that are good for brandishing around (like staffs), cards, music, angst, fluff, procrastination, oxymoron, and many more.

Dislikes: bugs, people who don't know when to shut up, butter knives, yaoi, yuri, incest, bad quality writing, homework, physics, geometry, too many neon colors, plot holes, poll whores, not having cash (which is almost all the time), saving money, expensive presents, buying things for people, procrastination, brussel sprouts, rats, and many more.

Strong Points: good listener, logical (somewhat), passionate, energetic, a little hyperactive, emotional (that's good...right?), empathetic, humorous (sort of).

Weak Points: cynical, worry-wart, angered easily, impulsive, doesn't finish logic (leaves holes in plans, etc.), overly-emotional, apathetic, sarcastic, lame-joke-cracker, etc.

Hobbies: reading, writing, being silly, laughing, eating, sleeping, shopping, drawing, spending time on the computer, getting ratings done for different fandoms, dancing, singing, doing chemical equations ('tis actually kind of fun), singing in spanish, etc.

Talents: I can write...sort of, I can sing...sort of, I can't draw, I'm a good listener, and I can't think of anything else.

Favorite quote: Don't have one. I'm not good with this quote thing -curses bad memory-

Future Goals: To be happy. To have a family. To be a ninja. Something to that effect. To own a long-and-pretty-stick-that-is-good-for-brandishing-and-makes-me-look-threatening (a.k.a. something like Karin's staff).

Mature or Immature?: Immature, except when the situation requires me to be mature.

Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic, to counter my natural worry-wart-ness.

Leader or Follower?: A little of both. I'm naturally bossy, so I'm kind of like a leader, but I don't like the responsibility of being a leader.

Outgoing or Shy?: Outgoing if you know me.

Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive, except when scared.

Dominant or Submissive?: Er...dominant? Unless the figure has authority over me and they have enough power to affect my future (teachers?).

High, Medium or Low energy level?: Medium-High.

Favorite color?: Purple. I'm not gay, it's just pretty.

Favorite season?: Fall/Winter.

Favorite animal?: Margray tiger.

Favorite food?: Too many. Um, mango pudding?

Favorite character?: Karin, Kirika, and both Himeka's. And Mr. Glasses Man because he's hilarious.

Favorite God or Goddess?: Umm...I have several. Persephone, Psyche (though she's not really a goddess), Nyx, and I can't think of any others.

Please post a picture or describe yourself: Ummm....does looks actually have anything to do with a rating?

Anything else?NOPE!

It appears there are no entries to vote on.

stamped, karin

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