I am, ummm... oh yeah, god!!

Jul 09, 2007 11:57

rate me please. :)

this is the link hohohoho

Insert Witty Comment Here! I dun have one. Oh well

Name: Anni



Likes: Kamichama Karin duhh, Kazune, drawing, pink things, writing, pretty stuff, anything glittery/sparkly, Cinnomoroll and listening to music

Dislikes: bugs (eeww) and people that are really annoying

Strong Points: My friends say that I'm smart and I'm artistic. ummm ok?

Weak Points: I suck at pe and sometimes I'm short tempered. -sighs sadly

Hobbies: I play the flute in symphonic band and I've played the piano for 8 looong years

Talents: not much, but I can twist my fingers into a really wierd shape. lol

Favorite quote: I don't really have one.

Future Goals: To pass level ten in piano theory so my parents will finally get me a dog. YAAAAY!

Mature or Immature?: I can be both. Hah

Optimistic or Pessimistic?: optimistic

Leader or Follower?: It depends on the situation

Outgoing or Shy?: ponders... Outgoing among people I know, but reaaaaaly shy among people i don't know

Impulsive or Cautious?: I'm more cautious than impulsive, but I have been known to do weird stuff now and then. laughs nervously

Dominant or Submissive?: Mostly dominant

High, Medium or Low energy level?:Medium. However fear me when I'm sugar high! Mwuhahahahaha!! :)

Favorite color?: pink and light green

Favorite season?: Summer! Huzzah! swimming rocks

Favorite animal?: not sure if magical creatures are allowed, but my favorite animals are the unicorn and the dog

Favorite food?: rubs hands greedily, lol, I have a lot

Favorite character?: KAZUNE!! Karin and Micchi tie for second. Sorry Jin, but you will never get Karin! rawr

Favorite God or Goddess?: Umm, I dunno, I guess Athena??

Please post a picture or describe yourself: I'm Asian and I look like a human. Strange right??

Anything else? Not really, I just hope I get someone cool! YAAYZ lol

stamped, karin

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