Dec 05, 2003 18:35
It is snowing like the Dickens! The ride home from school proved to be rather slippery - I almost did a complete 360 on my street. Well, my test tomorrow morning has been postponed until the 20th of December. At least that gives me some more time to prepare. Everyone will be home again next weekend, and this time for a nice span of time, as opposed to four days. I'm definitely looking forward to it. I'm stuck here for the most part. My car is terrible in the snow and ice, which just keeps coming down. At least I can relax. Maybe I'll read Henry IV or something. Restringing my guitar isn't a bad idea either. I had originally planned on watching Interview with the Vampire, as I haven't seen it in a long time, but my mother says her favorite shows are on from 8-10 p.m. - Maybe tomorrow. On a side note, I'm doing an in-depth news story on the sanitary conditions of our school. My teacher thinks it's a good topic. I've planned to scrape scum off the boy's locker room floor and bring it to a nearby lab to get it tested for bacteria. I hope I find something in it. Our locker room is just plain appalling.