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Mar 26, 2006 16:46

It needs to hurry up and get warm here so I dont have to wear my really big winter coat anymore.

Today started out wonderfully and was good until now. I went to church this morning and it was an excellent service. Then I came home and had lunch(things are going incredibly well with my host family might i add) then my family had to leave cause they have a spring concert today which I had planned on going to until my ride bailed on me. So here I am at home with a headache, and the weather is SO depressing. I have been eating more than necessary lately cause I seem to have a bit of time on my hands, and it is not having positive results. I really dont want everyone to be like distgusted with me when I get back so I am trying to refrain from that. At least I have a lot to look forward to next week. I just need this headache and day to go away. Hopefully my family will understand why I couldnt come. On the other hand I had an incredible weekend. Friday I went out with Doro and David. It is really nice now cause I have REAL friends. People who I can talk to about things and be sarcastic and stupid and people I can laugh with. These are the people I am really going to miss. David is sooo sarcastic. It is really funny. And Doro is so sweet-they kind of balance each other out. We just went to Zwickau and hung out in the city.(but I was laughing almost the whole time and that is fantastic) Then on Saturday I went to my youth group and hung out most of the time with Sebastian. He got his license! I was soo proud. It is like total scheiß that I have really good friends and am really good with the language and only have 3 more months. In addition to that I got a cell phone, which makes a BIG difference here. I cant believe I didnt get one earlier. And my relationship with my host family has gotten really great. I think we are going to all try to go to Dresden together on weekend. Now I just need it to be warm and things would be perfect. Next week I am going to see Faust(play) on monday and on thursday going to see LORD OF THE FLIES and on Friday meet with Keren!!!! I am sooo excited about next weekend it will rock!
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