Apr 23, 2004 23:06
OK SO FIRST, i was supposed to go to Hooters for Brian Arthus' birfday, but i had work till later than i thought so i was unable to go, so sadly i was alone, but pete pasco called me and invited me to his house with Jon and Nadine to hang and wathc movies....instead we got carvel and went into town, where we met Ian, and Cathrine izzo, and whatanight lol first we did tourde'smithtown 04. then we went to KP Physc Center, and got scared shitliss, then i sang my happy goodmoring in the forest song, and cathrine loved it lol, and then we told stories about funny shit and then we went back to petes house and mikey came, it was mucho fun, and then we talked about these twins, and then mike made me do my impersonation of my dad, which is really funn i have to say, and then yea we all left and it was good, all in all i loved tonight, even though i didnt get to eat cold buffalo wings and see amazing hinees and tatass lololol ohh well theres always next friday ;) cya