K's drama after reading KHR - Chapter 292

Jun 03, 2010 23:33

I'm not very enthusiastic with Reborn lately... =/ This Arc is... making me "Hum, new chapter. Let's see what happens..." rather than the "OMFG NEW CHAPTER, MUST REAAAAAAAD" that I was before. Hum, maybe after the inheritance ceremony I'll be more excited? Dunno...

Why isn't this colored? Why? Damn you, Amano. D:

Things are getting hot, Adelheid. So... What are you wearing? ;D

...I want to see Ninth's Guardians again? And, oh I don't know, SHAMAL? Please? I'm dying here...

fangirling!, ramblerambleramble, i'm so screwed, khr, oh so hot, why god why?

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