Title: Rude Boy
Pairing: Jimmy x Kenny
Fandom: Nowhere Kids
Word Count: 255
Type: Drabble
“Get your ass over here,” Kenny ordered from his laying position on the full sized bed. Jimena truly did not know why she left with him after they had finished the Live Positively program. He has practically told her to go with him and for some reason she had. At least he had agreed that he would move back to Miami with her.
“Do you have to be so damn rude? You’re such a douche bag,” she stated in a snotty tone as she climbed onto the bed beside him. Seeing his hand beginning to lift and reach over towards her she slapped it back down again. “Don’t touch me.”
Frowning in irritation he grabbed her arms and pulled heron top of him before speaking once more, “I can touch whatever the hell I want.” For emphasis he grabbed her ass, causing her to roll her eyes. It was no wonder her parents did not like him.
“I hate you,” she said.
“I hate you more, Babe,” he retorted before lifting her chin up to his her heatedly. It always shut her up.
Eventually clothes fell off, dropping onto the off white carpeted floor. Jimmy straddled Kenny, nipping at his ear knowing that it was a sensitive spot for him, as his hands ran down her bare back. They had been at this for a while, sitting up straight she slapped his chest with the back of her hand in exasperation.
“Can you get it the fuck up?”
“Don’t rush a man’s God damn process!”