Aug 03, 2005 19:46
****F I R S T S****
First best friend:...Elexis
First car: not yet
First real kiss: With some guy who turned out to be a jerk
First screen name: sk8ncstars
First funeral: my grandfathers (mothers father)
First piercing/tattoo: I was a baby when I got my ears pierced no tat yet
First credit card: Visa (on debit card)
First big trip: Canada lol shitty school trip
****L A S T S****
Last cigarette: an hour and a half ago
Last car ride: same as above
Last kiss: 20 minutes ago
Last good cry: couple nights ago
Last library book checked out: Prolly a Shakespeare book in HS
Last movie seen: Guess who w/ ashton kutcher
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: PB & J
Last crush: um…
Last phone call: My aunt
Last time showered: this afternoon
Last item bought: prolly food or a movie
Last time wanting to die: Um no comment
****r e l a t i o n s h i p s****
01. who are your best friends? Lisa, Christy, Caleb, Cory, Em and yes I consider Glenn to be one of them considering I tell him most everything
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Um not anymore
03. do you want one? Nope married, well a gf would be nice haha
04. what do u look for in someone? personality, looks, sense of humor .. someone i can be myself with.
****f a s h i o n | s t u f f****
01. where is your favorite place to shop? Dots, Fashion Bug, Walmart, target
02. any tattoos or piercings? 3 piercings
****s p e c i f i c s****
01. do you do drugs? nope
02. what shampoo do u use? Suave mostly and head and shoulders
03. whats in ur room? Clothes, computer, bed, clothes, dirty clothes, dressers, pictures
04. what are you listening to right now? Caleb's homework and wheelll offf fortuneeee
05. where do you want to get married? I would've liked it small and on the beach but I had it in a church with about 150 people there..
06. how many buddies are online right now? A lot
07. what would you change about yourself? fat to skinny lol
****f a v o r i t e s****
01. color: Blue, Black, Red, and Pink
02. food: pizza, spaghetti, tacos, hamburgers, blt's and turkey sandwhiches
03. boys' names: Nicholas Obadiah
04. girls' names: Bella, or Vita Bella (calebs choice) Isabella
05. subjects in school: no more school right now
06. sports: I like softball, volleyball, soccer, football, lacrosse and hockey
****h a v e | y o u | e v e r****
01. given anyone a bath? No
02. smoked? yes
03. bungee jumped? its on my to do list....
04. made yourself throw up? yes
05. skinny dipped? no
06: been in love? definitely
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yes
08. pictured your crush naked? Yes
09. actually seen your crush naked? hmm
10. cried when someone died? Yes
11. lied? yeah
12. fallen for your best friend? yes
13. been rejected? yes
14. rejected someone? yes
15. used someone? if i did it wasn't on purpose
16. done something you regret? omg yes.
****c u r r e n t****
01. clothes: shorts and a t-shirt
02. music: anything punk
03. make-up: about a week ago
04. annoyance: a lot
05. smell: I dunno
06. desktop picture: beach theme or usually some hawt chick
07. dvd in player: 50 first dates
**** l a s t | p e r s o n****
01. you touched: Caleb
02. you hugged: ....Caleb
03. you imed: Cory
04. you kissed: Caleb
****a r e | y o u ****
01. open-minded: yes
02. arrogant: sometimes not sure
03. insecure:always
04. interesting: yes
05. hungry: at the moment? No
06. smart: somewhat
07. organized: No
08. healthy: No
09. shy: mostly
10. obsessive: Yes
11. angry: not right now
12. disappointed: no
13. happy: not really
14. hyper: not at the moment
15. talkative: no
16. legal: pretty much
****w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a ****
01. kill: a lot of people.. but that would be bad
02. slap: my mom
03. get high with: no one considering I don’t get high anymore
04. look like: Angelina Jolie or Eliza Dushku
****w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r****
01. coke or pepsi: neither
02. flowers or candy: candy
03. tall or short: short I guess
****r a n d o m****
01. in the morning i am: thirsty
02. love is: like water
03. what do you notice first: eyes, arms, stomach-guys eyes, legs, butt, face- girls
04. last person you danced with: Caleb
05. worst question to ask: what do you wanna do
06. who makes you laugh the most: my friends...
07. who makes you smile: my boy
08. who do you have a crush on: doesnt matter...
09. who has a crush on you: no one
****d o | y o u | e v e r****
01. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: yes
02.wish you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes
03. wish you were younger: no
****n u m b e r****
01. of times i have had my heart broken: 3 or 4
02. of hearts i have broken: a couple
03. of guys i've kissed: 4
04. of girls i've kissed: 5 or so
05. of continents i have lived in: 1
06. of tight friends:2 or 3
07. of cds i own: legal cd's or burnt?
08. of scars on body: 20-30
09. of kids you want: 1 or 2
10. of ex's you still like/love: one