Jan 22, 2005 09:44
its been one month since I've updated, but I really have no news. Except that I got my wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses. My life is so aww damn whats the word.. predictable, no thats not the word... basically I am still to tired to think of it... well the same thing happens over and over and over again. Monday: I either go to work or sleep til 11 and then after work either I wait for Caleb at my house or he comes and picks me up at work, then we pick up something to eat or go out so its usually subway, bk, eatnpark, or not very much anymore which is Nino's. Then we come back here and eat and signs on the internet and checks his email accounts theres about 3 of them at the moment. Then he checks his grades. I start feeling just a little jealous but usually by then his parents are outta the room so I just watch tv.. then we usually go to bed between 11-1 because I have to work the next morning usually and he has to work at 2pm. I sleep in his room and he sleeps in his sisters old room. He turns on the tv for me while I usually go to the potty, then I come in and he tucks me in and kisses me. He's usually to tired to do anything else.. not like sexual, I mean like sit and talk about our day some more or anything. So he goes in the other room and in like 5 minutes he's snoring. I on the other hand can't fall asleep that quickly so I have to watch some tv. So I check first to see if theres any movies on and if there isn't I check to see if theres a adult shows on like shotime, cinemax, or HBO. If theres something good on I'll watch it for a bit (I'm weird all I do is watch it) if theres not i check mtv,vh1, disney, nogin. So within about a 2-3 hour frame I then fall asleep to either disney, vh1 or something already recorded. So ends the day. Tuesday: More than likely I work so I get up at 9 or 930 it depends on if I took a shower the night before. Then if I am at Calebs house, we either run to my house if I really need a cig that morning right away or if I can wait til I get to work to smoke. Then I work, I usually work with one of four guys if its a good day its either Beals or Big steve, of its and ok day its little steve, if I want to be quiet allll day I work with Brian and thats not such a good day. Then I work 8 hours and then Caleb picks me up after he gets in town from work, then we pick up some food go back to his house and watch a movie. And again I stay the night. same ritual follows for the evening. Wednesday: Usually I don't work this day but for the next less than 40 days I will be. Usually on the day Caleb takes me home at between 10-11 and then he goes home to get ready for work. I go home and usually turn on the computer to check to see if anyone has left me any messages and once Caleb leaves I either lay down which doesn't happen to often or I play Sims. This goes on with the computer for about 5 hours then I take a shower and wait for Caleb to come home, then we get something to eat and the same ritual follows sometimes it changes if we can get to youth group. But the rest of the night is usually just like mon & tues. Sometimes I usually decide to spend the night at my house cause I don't wanna wake up at 5 am cause Caleb gotta get to work by 7. Same ritual follows. Thursday: I usually work in the evening, I come home (or wake up) eat breakfast or not and then get on the computer. Then Caleb comes home around 3 or 330 and we try to eat before I hafta work ( but since the 40 days of purpose I haven't worked Thursdays for about 2 weeks) then we bring food back to his house and eat,he checkes his email and class stuff, then watch a little bit of tv and then clean the game room for 40 days of purpose study. Then we have study. Then Caleb takes me home on Thursday nights, and I sleep at my house. Well he goes home (usually right away so he can get to sleep) but the last two thursdays he's stayed with me for a couple hours. He leaves between 12-1. Then he goes home and goes to sleep and I am up for another couple hours either talking to Glenn or Cory, or playing Sims. Then I go to sleep and then Friday: (something that happens everyday) Caleb calls me to let me know he's gotten to work. Which I like him to do so that I am not worrying about him. So, being friday, I get up between 10-11 and eat breakfast or lunch whichever foods in my apt. Then I play sims or talk on instant messenger. Then I clean up the house a little bit then I take a shower to get ready for work, then I play a little longer then someone picks me up for work then I work 3-4 hours then Caleb picks me up after getting back into town and then the same ritual follows getting food then going to watch a movie or some tv then going to sleep.
Sometimes on the weekend if i am off we go to washington to see my dad. Or we go see a movie, or we go out to eat or rent movies and watch them at my house. And one of those days either Saturday or Sunday I got to work. And on Sundays we to to church. Its the same thing everyday... not that I mind on somedays.. but its getting pretty much the same thing everyday... I love Caleb, and I know that with our schedules that theres not much time to do anything else. I just want something to happen a bit different on somedays.. you know what I mean. Anyways thats enough outta me for now...