Jul 10, 2003 20:01
So I started my job and so far its fantastic. I am training to be a customer service rep. Training is tiring but where I can go from there just gets better and I get paid outrageously awesome. I like my traning group but I will only be with them for 3 weeks or so. I met my supervisor and she's great. There's room for me to go up the ladder. So in maybe less than a year I can work in Human Resources or something cool like that. I am really going to like this job a lot. I mean training sucks and I already love it so haha... It's tiring and there's a lot to learn. On my first two quizzes I got a 90 and a 93. Those babies are A's and I haven't gotten A's in like forever and a day. Anyways I will update more later... I will close with a quote that you might've seen in my profile.
"I'd rather be hated
for who I am,
than loved for who
I pretend to be"
- Janis Joplin