May 17, 2011 14:20
Yesterday (Monday) I had my first post-op visit with my gyn/oncologist. The staples from my robotic surgery were removed (hooray!) and the nurse-practitioner said I did not look as if I'd had major surgery just 10 days ago. They also told me the final pathology of my cancers.
Yes, that's cancers, plural. Not only did I have colon cancer, I also had ovarian and endometrial (uterine) cancer. Mine is a rare case indeed! Fortunately, the colon cancer has been completely removed and no further treatment for it is necessary.
The good news is that the ovarian cancer was Stage 1c3 and the endometrial Stage 2 Grade 3. The endometrial was "clear cell," which raises some concerns, but since the uterus has been removed, it should be treated effectively with radiation. I will be undergoing 3 sessions of internal radiation therapy when the internal sutures are completely healed.
For the ovarian cancer, I will undergo 18 weekly chemotherapy treatments (carboplatin taxol) which may begin as soon as a few weeks from now. I'll attend a chemo orientation session hopefully next week and get started soon after that. Soonest begun, soonest ended, is my feeling on that! I've been told I may experience some hair thinning but not hair loss; other side effects will be addressed with whatever medication is needed.
I'll be seeing the colorectal surgeon on Friday and discuss follow-up screening schedule, dietary needs, and genetic testing, etc. Also, the rest of the staples will probably be removed.
That is the latest on my condition. More updates to follow!
As always, thank you for your good wishes and prayers. You're in mine, as well.