Unfortunately, this is not a joke.

May 05, 2011 05:47

I had the colonoscopy yesterday and was dismayed to learn that in addition to the ovarian mass, there is a mass in my ascending colon as well. (This despite the colon cancer blood test results which were normal.) And today I must return to the hospital for another scan to determine exactly where it is.

The gastroenterologist believes this is a primary mass; in other words, not related to the ovarian mass. Which could be a good thing, IMO - if the ovarian mass cells have migrated to the colon, who knows where else they could have migrated to? We'll find out more today, I suppose, or during surgery.

Surgery is to go forward as planned tomorrow - except now it looks like robotic surgery probably isn't an option and another specialist will have to be on hand to remove the colon mass.

I'm pretty bewildered by this development and basically just going with the flow, as it were. What else can I do?

That is, besides hope and pray and thank you all for your support! I'm hanging in there and I am NOT going to let this thing get me!

Love to all,
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