Sorry to Dump on You (Again)...

Apr 23, 2011 10:43

...but I wanted my LJ friends to know about this.

And there really isn't an easy or delicate way to say it, so I'll just spit it out:

About a week ago I had a pelvic ultrasound which revealed a rather large mass on my left ovary. Further tests and a CT scan indicate that it has suspicious construction and characteristics, but fortunately, no other major organs (liver, spleen, pancreas, lungs, etc.) seem to be involved. I've seen a gastroenterologist who wants to do a colonoscopy but I'd really rather get this thing out of me first!

I'll be seeing an oncologist (gulp - the "O" word) on Wednesday and then hopefully I'll have a better sense of when things will happen. My dad is here with me and I imagine he'll stay through my surgery and at least the first part of my recovery.

So, that's the what, as it stands now. Kind of selfish of me to neglect you all and lurk occasionally for months on end without one little word, and then to dump all this on you, so I apologize for that.

If you're the praying type, I'd appreciate it if you could slip in a word to whatever deity receives your devotions.

Thanks, and love to you all -
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