I think I failed the Geek Test this week...

Jul 30, 2010 22:08

...when I returned the first two disks of Season One of Battlestar Galactica, mostly unwatched, and removed the rest of Season One from my Netflix queue.

I just couldn't take the intense negativity of it all. Way too depressing ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

botias July 31 2010, 02:45:13 UTC
I watched the first episode of Battlestar Galactica--partly. I winced through the hot blonde writhing all over the not-so-attractive guy. NOT my fantasy. I watched it right up until they snapped the baby's neck, and then I shut it down. I need more of a relationship with a show before they start killing babies, so I know it's not just a push-button shocker to them. I guess some folks like that in their evening's entertainment, but not me. I watched Buffy for the laughs and the sexy manpires.


kcarolj65 July 31 2010, 02:59:58 UTC
Honestly, that neck-snapping was probably the final straw for me. I watched some more afterwards, but couldn't get that awful little sound out of my head (still can't). All I could think was, "Was that really necessary?" Talk about your gratuitous violence.


shipperx July 31 2010, 04:06:51 UTC
*whispers* scary thing is, she's actually one of the more enjoyable characters in the series... *whispers*


botias July 31 2010, 02:46:23 UTC
P.S. I somehow missed out on the whole Doctor thing as well, though I'm surrounded by folks who are at least familiar or fond.


empresspatti July 31 2010, 03:11:48 UTC
I haven't watched any of BG or Stargate. I watched the JM eps of Torchwood - plus a few more and thought - eh.

Dr Who's getting a pass too. I might get around to CoE, but it will have to wait till some cold winter day.


skipthedemon July 31 2010, 04:02:25 UTC
BSG stayed pretty grim throughout, and I was very disappointed by the last season and half, personally.

Doctor Who. Oh, Doctor Who. I guess you're talking about the show as it has been aired since 2005. I have watched the pre-1989 show since I was knee high. It was one of my first loves, I love it still, and doubt that will change. You can never really take the plots of Doctor Who seriously, even when they are well written. Although the subject matter is sometimes very serious. But it at it's best, it's a magnificent fairy tale, full of wonder and joy. I came away from the last season in particular marveling at how much the Doctor loved the universe, and how much that made me love everything too. Season 5 of New Who isn't a bad place to start if you want to jump in.

And that's my plug for that.


shipperx July 31 2010, 04:03:50 UTC
I have to admit that I watched most of BSG, and I did find many things to be intellectually interesting. But to be perfectly honest, I kind of loathed it. I ended up hating almost all of the characters and I knew when my distaste had reached a high when I was half-way wishing for the humans to all die.

Also, Doctor Who is radically different than BSG. While Doctor Who isn't without its dark moments, it also has a lot of light fare to balance it out and sometimes it's just unabashedly campy for the fun of it. BSG had no humor. Ever.


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