
Nov 26, 2007 19:16

Im pretty sure before waking up this morning i went through a series of violent fits in my sleep,
I woke up literally curled up in a ball on the far upper right corner of my bed wedged between the wall and head board
My throat feels like shit;
dry and on fire, the kind of sore where everytime you swallow your like FUCK.

Im Talking to Wolfey on Aim and she keeps making references and abreviations to and for people i dont know its like talking to an alien. lol

[19:17] hayitsbrittney: we had to go to my frds dealership
[19:17] kcajack: is your car ok/
[19:17] hayitsbrittney: mine is fine
[19:17] hayitsbrittney: eric is trying to buy my frds gli
[19:19] kcajack: lol who is eric?

food prep sucks, i have no friends in that class, at least non worth holding a conversation with, and its me i mean c'mmonn, no friends psshhhhh

Pammy cakes bought a christmas center piece today, a really elaborate 3 foot long one, she told me to set it up on the grand piano, i told her it was a bad idea, but i did, guess what happenes!!?? guess????? all the glitter, pine needles, moss and pine chips fell into the piano beneath the strings so now she has to call a piano cleaner with a special vacume attatchment to get all that shit out, the center piece is now on currently on display in the corner of the kitchen by thecat food

CLOR  is an amazing fucking band i've listened to their album trwice in its entirety today,

i need a new ipod.

Jackery needs a Daquiri hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahha im so fucking clever fuck.


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