Here is an interesting little article I found and wanted to share. What do you think? And not just emotionally. I think the writer makes some really interesting points.
Why Same-Sex Marriage Makes Sense Economically
By Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers
The national discussion about same- sex marriage is heating up. Just last week, North Carolina voted to prohibit the practice, and, for the first time, President Barack Obama clearly came out in favor of it.
The debate, which has focused on our evolving views on sexuality, also mirrors a deeper generational shift in how we view and experience marriage.
For our grandparents’ generation, marriage was about separate roles, separate spheres and specialization. Gary Becker, an economist at the University of Chicago, won the Nobel Prize partly for describing the family as an economic institution -- a bit like a small firm that employs people with different skills to produce both income and a well-run household. (
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